or so the local media here in central florida are reporting.
for those who haven't been bombarded with this sickening story. this wacky family living (who reminds me of the family from the texas chainsaw massacre part2) in orlando, florida...but mind you not from here originally...have a crazy compulsive lying whore daughter who got knocked up by some mystery man, who now is dead? ? and lost her kid. long story short they found bones in a bag in the woods/swamp near her parents home and it is being reported now that it is that little girl.
this whole family and story makes me sick. i always knew something stunk about this family, and it wasn't the supposed rotted maggot infested pizza left in their car trunk either. from the first newscast interviewing them, it had a certain lunacy, craziness to it. the kind that you only see from people from ohio and the west like oregon and washington state. anyways, then i come to find out they are in fact from ohio!!! warren ohio as some have reported.
it makes perfect sense. back in western pa, we always joke about how we needed a wall to keep the looneys from ohio from coming into pa. it was a joke, but not really. there is something in the water there or chemicals in the air from the manufacturering or whatever....that makes ohio people odd at the least and crazy at the worst.
so this soap opera story that in the end leaves a little girl dead/murdered?...has so many twists and plot changes...even hollywood couldn't come up with a better script. often the little girl.... formerly missing, now determined to have been killed... forgotten about and that is the ultimate tradegy. this anthony family behaved as poorly as people can behave. i don't excuse them from the circumstances as they raised their insane, lying, whore of a daughter who most likely killed her own kid, and went on drinking and partying for over a month without care. they obviously did a poor job raising their own kids and then they way they acted on camera....well it was all ohio.
so take note...these ohio yankee crazies aren't like most people in central florida. it's true that orlando is full to the brim with selfish, poorly behaved, and obnoxious people...but they aren't from florida. these are transplanted yankee clowns mostly from ohio and michigan. ironically they come down here because they couldn't make it in their home state and from day one all they do is complain about how horrible florida is. how nothing is like it is in michigan or ohio or enter your own crappy state. i think i may rename the rustbelt states to the "whiny belt". cause that is all these rust belt clowns do down here. whine, non stop. i've lived in central florida..most of my life...and i grew up with locals down here. people who are true floridians...not the kids of ohio transplants. you'll never meet a nicer bunch of well behaved and high moral group of people than these florida natives. it's a shame their state is being taken over by horrible people from ass backwards rust belt states. for those rust belters who take offense to the truth...how would you like it if we sent all the people from miami up to your town and let them take over it? i'd bet you'd be hoping mad. so sit back down and shut up. no one gives a shit what you think. go back to the bar to drink your poor miserable existence away.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
give the money to the people, not wallstreet.....
this is the battle cry of the uneducated in america. it's become fairly obvious to me that our education system has failed. we have tunred out people who do not know how to use a calculator. okay i'm going to help you people....
first we'll use the 150 billion stimulus package we all got a piece of awhile back as the mold to make our equation make sense and be accurate.
so all singles got $600.00 and married couples got $1200.00 so basically 600 bucks a head. we have a population of around 300,000,000 people right now. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 300 million what do we get? we get $500 bucks. that's pretty close to what we got per person for the stimulus package. so we can alter the amount of people to come to a more accurate number than the 300 million we used as a referrence point. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 250 million people we come to $600.00 per person. bingo the magic number the govt used to give the stimulus package!
okay so there is 350 billion dollars left of the 700 billion "bailout money". so if we take 350 billion divided by 250 million people..what do we get? go ahead use your calculator, i'll wait............................................................................................................................okay it comes to $1400 per person.
okay so 1400 bucks is a good chunk of cash right? so let's work through this new found dumbass economic belief of "the trickle up theory" as it's been dubed. american families on avg. owe over 9 to 10 grand in credit card debt alone. we know from common sense that most owe much more on their mortgage and car loans and other loans like home equity...but let's just stick to credit card debt to keep the example simple.
okay so we send out a check of 1400 bucks to singles and 2800 to married couples. who as a family all owe around 10,000 dollars to credit cards. so where does this money end up going...yep to pay down credit cards and catch up on the mortgage and car loans and other debts, etc. so basically it's handing the money to the banks. wait a minute...isn't this what the "wall street bailout" is doing? handing the money to the banks to help shore up/stabilize their toxic debt load? yep, that's right. so these trickle up dumbass theorists would rather make our govt spend millions to print out and mail checks so they in turn, can turn around and spend gas to deposit it and then turn back around and send it to the banks. that makes a hell of allot of sense...doesn't it?!? once the 1400 bucks is gone the people, even if they used it to pay down credit card debt alone, would still owe $7,600 bucks. so it didn't exactly do anything for the person did it? when you owe tens of thousands of dollars a mere 1400 bucks is like a crumb. it won't stop you from starving to death.
okay so have we finally put this stupid moronic idea to rest? please tell me everyone gets it now. giving this money to the people doesn't do any good. it won't save the economy or your job. even if you spent it on a big flat screen plasma or lcd tv at the walmart it still won't fix anything..because the debt load being carried by america as a whole has to be paid back and this is what we are seeing. people not investing their money into businesses or stocks or anywhere because they know america already owes too much money and can't ever pay it back.
so please people think through your ideas before you start rambling them all over the internet. this idea shows sheer stupidity as well as a shocking lack of overall underastanding of the economy and shows you are either too cheap or stupid to buy and use a calculator. it's embarrasing.
ps...this entry wasn't written towards my two readers/friends. i know they are quite smart and can use a calculator. it was written for you imbeciles that post non stop on aol and other comment allowing news story sites...and constantly spit out your stupid ideas to fix the world. one of the biggest mistake a person can make in life is to think they are smarter than they really are. likewise to think they are smarter than everyone else.
there si only one way to fix the economy...and no one is going to like it. it involves going back to proper lending strategies. saving not overpsending and borrowing, and working hard for realisitic wages. the days of making 50k while twiddling one's thumbs most of the day are over union boys. you cannot make low level unskilled jobs pay middle class wages. it doesn't work and we are seeing it come apart right now in the auto world. if you want to make more you have to increase you education and your skill level. there is no easy way out of this. it's gonna be hard on everyone and everyone will have to learn to live with less and while working more. the unions lied to you, you were never middle class pulling a lever and putting a tire on a car. it was a nice run, stop being bitter and be happy you got away with it for so long. now it's time to pay the piper. those who are strong will survive and get educated and skilled in professions that support middle class wages. those that are weak and lazy will fail and end up homeless and collecting welfare. you don't have to like it, but it is the way it is and will be.......
first we'll use the 150 billion stimulus package we all got a piece of awhile back as the mold to make our equation make sense and be accurate.
so all singles got $600.00 and married couples got $1200.00 so basically 600 bucks a head. we have a population of around 300,000,000 people right now. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 300 million what do we get? we get $500 bucks. that's pretty close to what we got per person for the stimulus package. so we can alter the amount of people to come to a more accurate number than the 300 million we used as a referrence point. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 250 million people we come to $600.00 per person. bingo the magic number the govt used to give the stimulus package!
okay so there is 350 billion dollars left of the 700 billion "bailout money". so if we take 350 billion divided by 250 million people..what do we get? go ahead use your calculator, i'll wait............................................................................................................................okay it comes to $1400 per person.
okay so 1400 bucks is a good chunk of cash right? so let's work through this new found dumbass economic belief of "the trickle up theory" as it's been dubed. american families on avg. owe over 9 to 10 grand in credit card debt alone. we know from common sense that most owe much more on their mortgage and car loans and other loans like home equity...but let's just stick to credit card debt to keep the example simple.
okay so we send out a check of 1400 bucks to singles and 2800 to married couples. who as a family all owe around 10,000 dollars to credit cards. so where does this money end up going...yep to pay down credit cards and catch up on the mortgage and car loans and other debts, etc. so basically it's handing the money to the banks. wait a minute...isn't this what the "wall street bailout" is doing? handing the money to the banks to help shore up/stabilize their toxic debt load? yep, that's right. so these trickle up dumbass theorists would rather make our govt spend millions to print out and mail checks so they in turn, can turn around and spend gas to deposit it and then turn back around and send it to the banks. that makes a hell of allot of sense...doesn't it?!? once the 1400 bucks is gone the people, even if they used it to pay down credit card debt alone, would still owe $7,600 bucks. so it didn't exactly do anything for the person did it? when you owe tens of thousands of dollars a mere 1400 bucks is like a crumb. it won't stop you from starving to death.
okay so have we finally put this stupid moronic idea to rest? please tell me everyone gets it now. giving this money to the people doesn't do any good. it won't save the economy or your job. even if you spent it on a big flat screen plasma or lcd tv at the walmart it still won't fix anything..because the debt load being carried by america as a whole has to be paid back and this is what we are seeing. people not investing their money into businesses or stocks or anywhere because they know america already owes too much money and can't ever pay it back.
so please people think through your ideas before you start rambling them all over the internet. this idea shows sheer stupidity as well as a shocking lack of overall underastanding of the economy and shows you are either too cheap or stupid to buy and use a calculator. it's embarrasing.
ps...this entry wasn't written towards my two readers/friends. i know they are quite smart and can use a calculator. it was written for you imbeciles that post non stop on aol and other comment allowing news story sites...and constantly spit out your stupid ideas to fix the world. one of the biggest mistake a person can make in life is to think they are smarter than they really are. likewise to think they are smarter than everyone else.
there si only one way to fix the economy...and no one is going to like it. it involves going back to proper lending strategies. saving not overpsending and borrowing, and working hard for realisitic wages. the days of making 50k while twiddling one's thumbs most of the day are over union boys. you cannot make low level unskilled jobs pay middle class wages. it doesn't work and we are seeing it come apart right now in the auto world. if you want to make more you have to increase you education and your skill level. there is no easy way out of this. it's gonna be hard on everyone and everyone will have to learn to live with less and while working more. the unions lied to you, you were never middle class pulling a lever and putting a tire on a car. it was a nice run, stop being bitter and be happy you got away with it for so long. now it's time to pay the piper. those who are strong will survive and get educated and skilled in professions that support middle class wages. those that are weak and lazy will fail and end up homeless and collecting welfare. you don't have to like it, but it is the way it is and will be.......
these idiot rioters......
what can you say about these idiots rioting over in greece and europe? not much except they are stupid and are acting like spoiled brats.
first off the same stores and banks they are burning and pilaging from are the source of heavy european taxing that supports their socialist leaning, free money society. where they get paid to sit at home and not work. they complain that there aren't high paying jobs available?!? huh...f'ing morons where in the world are their high paying jobs just handed to you. damn talk about stupid.
this is another example of how the world has tuned into a bunch of whiny violent crybabies. if they don't get a new toy handed to them weekly they cry and throw a temper tantrum...except these aren't little kids these are very spoiled and stupid adults.
ironically they are all against the globalization of business and all it stands for as well as technology which comes from these businesses, but they have no problem using it to organize. using the cellphones and the internet. surprise, surprise they are all super naive and moronic hypocrites. well i've had it with stupid people.
as soon as i'm able, i'm going to buy a large chunk of swampland and i'm moving away from the cities and the all the stupidity and laziness they breed, and getting off the grid for good. in the meantime i'm going to stockpile ammo, food , and water. if the world does collapse because or rioters and other stupid people...i'm not going to let them drag me down with them.
let this be a warning to you spoiled brats. if you show up in my neck of the woods and plan on causing trouble...you are going to be real sorry. i have a few shotguns with 00 buckshot ready for you. never forget florida is a right to stand your ground state. if you come at me, my family, business or property. with a torch or rock...you'll be in the morgue and i'll walk away free and clear of lawsuits filed by your idiots parents who did a crappy job raising you and jail free, because this great state defends citizen's rights to defend their property and themselves from violent morons like yourself.
i'll be damned if i worked this hard my whole life to let some brat take it from me either by stealing or destroying it. these brats have no repect for private property or anyone else. the world isn't fair and it never was, but you have to respect people and their property. if you can't understand that, than expect to get ewhat is coming to you. it won't be long before those who work hard to make a good living will come back at you full force and there won't be any police or other govt soldiers you despise to protect you.
there is an old saying...be careful what you wish for....you may just get it. think long and hard if you really want anachry. you might be real sorry when you get it and all these rednecks and country folk you laugh at who own all the weapons and ammo and farmland...decide you aren't worth keeping around.
first off the same stores and banks they are burning and pilaging from are the source of heavy european taxing that supports their socialist leaning, free money society. where they get paid to sit at home and not work. they complain that there aren't high paying jobs available?!? huh...f'ing morons where in the world are their high paying jobs just handed to you. damn talk about stupid.
this is another example of how the world has tuned into a bunch of whiny violent crybabies. if they don't get a new toy handed to them weekly they cry and throw a temper tantrum...except these aren't little kids these are very spoiled and stupid adults.
ironically they are all against the globalization of business and all it stands for as well as technology which comes from these businesses, but they have no problem using it to organize. using the cellphones and the internet. surprise, surprise they are all super naive and moronic hypocrites. well i've had it with stupid people.
as soon as i'm able, i'm going to buy a large chunk of swampland and i'm moving away from the cities and the all the stupidity and laziness they breed, and getting off the grid for good. in the meantime i'm going to stockpile ammo, food , and water. if the world does collapse because or rioters and other stupid people...i'm not going to let them drag me down with them.
let this be a warning to you spoiled brats. if you show up in my neck of the woods and plan on causing trouble...you are going to be real sorry. i have a few shotguns with 00 buckshot ready for you. never forget florida is a right to stand your ground state. if you come at me, my family, business or property. with a torch or rock...you'll be in the morgue and i'll walk away free and clear of lawsuits filed by your idiots parents who did a crappy job raising you and jail free, because this great state defends citizen's rights to defend their property and themselves from violent morons like yourself.
i'll be damned if i worked this hard my whole life to let some brat take it from me either by stealing or destroying it. these brats have no repect for private property or anyone else. the world isn't fair and it never was, but you have to respect people and their property. if you can't understand that, than expect to get ewhat is coming to you. it won't be long before those who work hard to make a good living will come back at you full force and there won't be any police or other govt soldiers you despise to protect you.
there is an old saying...be careful what you wish for....you may just get it. think long and hard if you really want anachry. you might be real sorry when you get it and all these rednecks and country folk you laugh at who own all the weapons and ammo and farmland...decide you aren't worth keeping around.
anti globalization,
greek riots,
spoiled brats,
temper tantrum
Friday, December 5, 2008
this is how bad things are getting...short and sweet...
formula one the most expensive sport/motorsport in the world is having financial trouble. i was watching bbc america news this morning, and i saw a story that honda is pulling out of formula one and selling the factory team if they can find someone to buy it, if not they will liquidate it.
honda has sucked the last couple of years in formula one, so i can't say i'm surprised, but it holds a bigger meaning. all car companies around the world are hurting for sales. without sales spending hundreds of millions a year on motorsports seems pretty stupid. i fear it won't be long before we see more cuts......
for example indy car has honda motors. i think it's very possible, if things keep getting worse that honda will pull out of indy car.
nascar. need i say more. the detroit three are the big players in this sport. i think it won't be long before they pull all sponsorship from the teams, tv ads, etc..
sports cars....they may hold out since they are much smaller dollar amounts, but who knows....
it's not going to be a great racing season this year. i'm starting to fear this recession will turn into either a depression or massive super inflation, or something similar. either way my gut is telling me this downturn/crash is going to be much longer and harsher than we realize? let's hope my gut is wrong.
honda has sucked the last couple of years in formula one, so i can't say i'm surprised, but it holds a bigger meaning. all car companies around the world are hurting for sales. without sales spending hundreds of millions a year on motorsports seems pretty stupid. i fear it won't be long before we see more cuts......
for example indy car has honda motors. i think it's very possible, if things keep getting worse that honda will pull out of indy car.
nascar. need i say more. the detroit three are the big players in this sport. i think it won't be long before they pull all sponsorship from the teams, tv ads, etc..
sports cars....they may hold out since they are much smaller dollar amounts, but who knows....
it's not going to be a great racing season this year. i'm starting to fear this recession will turn into either a depression or massive super inflation, or something similar. either way my gut is telling me this downturn/crash is going to be much longer and harsher than we realize? let's hope my gut is wrong.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
is it a class war or a culture war?.....
i've been thinking about all the resentment on overpaid ceo's and high dollar people. now i'm a middle class guy. i do know some people who would fall into the upper crust based on tax percentages paid category. once you earn a certain amount you end up in the top tax bracket. so in my distinction they are in the same group. multi millionaires (not including real estate or non cash assets), not billionaires. yet there seems to be no real distinction in what is the line between the classes.
interestingly enough those multi millionaires, consider themselves middle class. a rare few who are quite arrogant and flashy call themselves rich...but in the people i know they tend to be the exception not the general rule.
so i started to think about who they were and if they were in fact evil and greedy.
most are very smart and quick with numbers. well educated. most have a mba. most own their own businesses or worked for large corporations and later started their own business when the corporate culture became too much for them. not one i know had it handed to them. all i know earned it through good decisions and hard work.
so i thought long and hard and tryed to be unbiased and i couldn't say anyone of them i would call "evil." nor would i say any of the ones i know are cold hearted. rather when i talk to them most seem to be too worried about their employee's self induced financial problems. which is an odd thing when you think about it because normally i always stereotyped rich people into being cold, distant, ruthless, and cheap. ironically when i really went back and thought through big decisions they made and even little events to get a better grasp of who they are...i realized that none of these stereotypes fit any of them. well maybe one...but he's a horrible person. if he saw an old lady hit by a train crossing the rail road tracks with a bag full of groceries and her purse. he'd take the groceries and purse and put them in his car, before he'd call 911. anyways....
so i started to think...we all complain about ceo's and such making huge salaries and bonuses...and we get really psised off about it and rightfully so...but then i thought of myself and other low earners i know. if our boss came to us and said i'm gonna pay you 150k and give you a bonus of another 100k...would i turn it down? or if i did turn it down would i really mean it? keep in mind let's say the job is only worth 50k market value, and a typical bonus in a good time might only be 20k....would i or anyone else put up much of a fight to recieve a lower wage package? i seriously doubt it. not to say i wouldn't be thinking at home how wrong it feels to get so much for so little. still i think i'd sleep okay if i was overpaid. which leads me to ceo's. i saw a survey once of 500 of the large corporations in america with questions asked to the ceo's. one of the questions was did they think they were overpaid. interestingly enough, over 80% something said yes they felt they were overpaid. so go back to my example. how many would refuse to accept an overly generous benefit package...not too many.
so i wonder is it really a class warefare that is going on...or is it really a culture war? what i mean is class war would be the poor against the rich. a typical battle of control and wealth that has plagued human civilization since the dawn of man. a culture war would be different in that we didn't hate each other based on wealth, but rather how it was obtained and what we did with it.
what one does with their wealth says allot about who they are. for example a typical avg. working guy wins a lottery. what do they do with the winnings most of the time? first they quit their job typically and tell their boss to stuff it. then they horde the money and buy cars and houses and boats and silly things. the people i know who earned their wealth not through the lotto...they open small businesses which create jobs that support more than just themselves with their money and they make money. which way is worse? giving money to dumb or unmotivated people doesn't help anyone but themselves. sure they buy things and that helps retailers and car dealers, etc...but truth be told they don't really buy enough to actually contribute back to society. now a guy who takes money he worked hard for to invest it in a small business with the chance he could lose it all...he is taking a big risk. with big risks come big rewards or failures. think along those lines and it's not hard to see how someone who makes allot of money might feel justified when their risk resulted in a good result. if it went the other way they now lost eveything they worked long and hard for. keeping a small business profitable isn't that easy. it's a constant struggle...it's not like you open it and make money and then sit back and watch as your fortune grows. you work longer harder hours than most even realize. weekends, become worktime...going over financials and sales reports trying to stay ahead of the competition and the curve of the economy. it's work...and when you go home it doesn't stop. it's your problem...so you can't go home and forget about it. the problems come home with you...you can't forget them as soon as you punch out. not to mention but other people, called employees, depend on you for their survival. so failing doesn't just affect you. it affects them as well. that's allot of weight to carry on one's shoulders 24hours a day 7 days a week. even when you take a vacation...it still involves calling everyday to make sure things are going smoothly and recievables are being collected and deposited...it's a never ending battle for survival and you never get any time off.
most decent people here would agree that someone who made millions by lying, stealing, and cheating is a horrible person and would deserve to lose that money, right? likewise most wouldn't be upset if someone made that money working hard and being smart, right?
so it seems to me we should be having a war...but with the culture in america of cheaters, deadbeats, and abusers. i'm not saying every ceo doesn't cheat or lie. i'm sure allot do. it's a tough market and there is only so many ceo jobs. so the competition is tough, and it brings the ugliest out in people...yet i also know some out there surely do a good job, work hard, and earn their money. i see a problem in our culture of greed and selfisness in not only the top but as well on the bottom. i'll give some examples.
i know people who collect disability checks from our govt and yet they go hunting and climb up tree stands and crouch all day to shoot a deer. they mow their own lawn. they take their kids to the beach and body surf and wrestle, etc. now to me this person could be working for a living. this is what i call abusing the system. if you look hard enough you'll see millions of examples of this going on. people taking govt aid in welfare, food stamps, housing, whatever they can get their hands on that don't really need it. in my eyes these people are no different than a greedy, selfish ceo. different dollar amounts of course, but isn't cheating and lying the same regardless of how much is being cheated, stolen, abused, etc? truth is, if these disability/welfare dirtbags were smarter they be taking big bucks rather than small bucks...it's just a matter of education and skill at that point.
so i think it's not a class war we need to face, it's a culture war. we need to shake down from the top to the bottom. weed out all the abusers and dirtbags. we need to set a precident, if you are not pulling your own weight you have to get off the ship. the hard working, weight pulling people of this country have been battling with each other over nonsense issues rather than addressing the real enemy within. greed and selfishness. it's not really money, that is the root of evil......rather it's the catalyst that brings the real evil from within. greed and selfishness.
so to end with i don't see class warfare as being our problem. i'm okay with a guy who works harder than me making more than i do...and i think most decent people do as well. i have a problem with people cheating, lying, stealing, abusing, and manipulating the system to make a buck or a fortune. being poor isn't an excuse. bad behavior is bad behavior..regardless of class, race, sex, creed, etc or income. never forget for every dirtbag wall streeter/ceo/executive who is doing this...there is probably 10 ,000 low level dirtbags doing the same exact thing.
interestingly enough those multi millionaires, consider themselves middle class. a rare few who are quite arrogant and flashy call themselves rich...but in the people i know they tend to be the exception not the general rule.
so i started to think about who they were and if they were in fact evil and greedy.
most are very smart and quick with numbers. well educated. most have a mba. most own their own businesses or worked for large corporations and later started their own business when the corporate culture became too much for them. not one i know had it handed to them. all i know earned it through good decisions and hard work.
so i thought long and hard and tryed to be unbiased and i couldn't say anyone of them i would call "evil." nor would i say any of the ones i know are cold hearted. rather when i talk to them most seem to be too worried about their employee's self induced financial problems. which is an odd thing when you think about it because normally i always stereotyped rich people into being cold, distant, ruthless, and cheap. ironically when i really went back and thought through big decisions they made and even little events to get a better grasp of who they are...i realized that none of these stereotypes fit any of them. well maybe one...but he's a horrible person. if he saw an old lady hit by a train crossing the rail road tracks with a bag full of groceries and her purse. he'd take the groceries and purse and put them in his car, before he'd call 911. anyways....
so i started to think...we all complain about ceo's and such making huge salaries and bonuses...and we get really psised off about it and rightfully so...but then i thought of myself and other low earners i know. if our boss came to us and said i'm gonna pay you 150k and give you a bonus of another 100k...would i turn it down? or if i did turn it down would i really mean it? keep in mind let's say the job is only worth 50k market value, and a typical bonus in a good time might only be 20k....would i or anyone else put up much of a fight to recieve a lower wage package? i seriously doubt it. not to say i wouldn't be thinking at home how wrong it feels to get so much for so little. still i think i'd sleep okay if i was overpaid. which leads me to ceo's. i saw a survey once of 500 of the large corporations in america with questions asked to the ceo's. one of the questions was did they think they were overpaid. interestingly enough, over 80% something said yes they felt they were overpaid. so go back to my example. how many would refuse to accept an overly generous benefit package...not too many.
so i wonder is it really a class warefare that is going on...or is it really a culture war? what i mean is class war would be the poor against the rich. a typical battle of control and wealth that has plagued human civilization since the dawn of man. a culture war would be different in that we didn't hate each other based on wealth, but rather how it was obtained and what we did with it.
what one does with their wealth says allot about who they are. for example a typical avg. working guy wins a lottery. what do they do with the winnings most of the time? first they quit their job typically and tell their boss to stuff it. then they horde the money and buy cars and houses and boats and silly things. the people i know who earned their wealth not through the lotto...they open small businesses which create jobs that support more than just themselves with their money and they make money. which way is worse? giving money to dumb or unmotivated people doesn't help anyone but themselves. sure they buy things and that helps retailers and car dealers, etc...but truth be told they don't really buy enough to actually contribute back to society. now a guy who takes money he worked hard for to invest it in a small business with the chance he could lose it all...he is taking a big risk. with big risks come big rewards or failures. think along those lines and it's not hard to see how someone who makes allot of money might feel justified when their risk resulted in a good result. if it went the other way they now lost eveything they worked long and hard for. keeping a small business profitable isn't that easy. it's a constant struggle...it's not like you open it and make money and then sit back and watch as your fortune grows. you work longer harder hours than most even realize. weekends, become worktime...going over financials and sales reports trying to stay ahead of the competition and the curve of the economy. it's work...and when you go home it doesn't stop. it's your problem...so you can't go home and forget about it. the problems come home with you...you can't forget them as soon as you punch out. not to mention but other people, called employees, depend on you for their survival. so failing doesn't just affect you. it affects them as well. that's allot of weight to carry on one's shoulders 24hours a day 7 days a week. even when you take a vacation...it still involves calling everyday to make sure things are going smoothly and recievables are being collected and deposited...it's a never ending battle for survival and you never get any time off.
most decent people here would agree that someone who made millions by lying, stealing, and cheating is a horrible person and would deserve to lose that money, right? likewise most wouldn't be upset if someone made that money working hard and being smart, right?
so it seems to me we should be having a war...but with the culture in america of cheaters, deadbeats, and abusers. i'm not saying every ceo doesn't cheat or lie. i'm sure allot do. it's a tough market and there is only so many ceo jobs. so the competition is tough, and it brings the ugliest out in people...yet i also know some out there surely do a good job, work hard, and earn their money. i see a problem in our culture of greed and selfisness in not only the top but as well on the bottom. i'll give some examples.
i know people who collect disability checks from our govt and yet they go hunting and climb up tree stands and crouch all day to shoot a deer. they mow their own lawn. they take their kids to the beach and body surf and wrestle, etc. now to me this person could be working for a living. this is what i call abusing the system. if you look hard enough you'll see millions of examples of this going on. people taking govt aid in welfare, food stamps, housing, whatever they can get their hands on that don't really need it. in my eyes these people are no different than a greedy, selfish ceo. different dollar amounts of course, but isn't cheating and lying the same regardless of how much is being cheated, stolen, abused, etc? truth is, if these disability/welfare dirtbags were smarter they be taking big bucks rather than small bucks...it's just a matter of education and skill at that point.
so i think it's not a class war we need to face, it's a culture war. we need to shake down from the top to the bottom. weed out all the abusers and dirtbags. we need to set a precident, if you are not pulling your own weight you have to get off the ship. the hard working, weight pulling people of this country have been battling with each other over nonsense issues rather than addressing the real enemy within. greed and selfishness. it's not really money, that is the root of evil......rather it's the catalyst that brings the real evil from within. greed and selfishness.
so to end with i don't see class warfare as being our problem. i'm okay with a guy who works harder than me making more than i do...and i think most decent people do as well. i have a problem with people cheating, lying, stealing, abusing, and manipulating the system to make a buck or a fortune. being poor isn't an excuse. bad behavior is bad behavior..regardless of class, race, sex, creed, etc or income. never forget for every dirtbag wall streeter/ceo/executive who is doing this...there is probably 10 ,000 low level dirtbags doing the same exact thing.
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