well it shouldn't be news to anyone at this point. we have a swine flue outbreak. swine meaning it's a variant of a human/pig influenza virus. yes, pigs are so similar to humans we can bascially cross pass viruses between us. in fact pigs organs are almost identical to ours as well as their flesh. in interveiwing cannibal societies over the years they related human meat to being very close to pig. also ballistic test are sometimes doen with live pigs to get "better real world results."so think of that next time you eat some bacon or a ham.
anyways, so it's come out of a big smelly shithole called mexico city. no surprise to me, but a bit disturbing seeing how many border crossings we have daily into our country.
well rather than cover whate very media outlet is on this pandemic. i'm going to state what i thought of going back to the asian sars outbreak. this was pusehd in much the same way as this swine flu is now. as we know the sars outbreak was stopped fast. we could debate all day on what stopped it, but my point being is that this one is being taken very seriously in some ways too seriously. what i mean by that is, if this thing dies iff and doesn't do too muhc on a global scale. when we have a bird flu plague or somehting else that could wipe out hundreds of millions of people will we all take it as seriously as we should?
i don't know.
lately i've been kind of a dooms dayer in my ramblings and this time i am not saying to ignore this bug. it appears to be getting worse and mutations occur quickly and that could mean not only young children and old people getting killed, but also young healthy adults. so yeah i am saying take it seriously. not to the point where you exhaust yourself though. meaning the next time another one of these pops up, your memory of having put so much energy and effort for no reason on this swine flu might make you just shrug your shoulders and say so what.
okay back to my dooms dayer. this is certainly not what we need right now in the global economic crisis. the travel industries meaning hotels, airlines, destinations, etc can't take any more cutbacks in volume. ironically it was the travel indistry that turned this into a global pandemic. i got a bad feeling about this bug, this time. of course all i seem to get lately are bad feelings about everything. so keep that in mind as i ramble on further.
this could be a show stopper. if it mutates and becomes much more deadly we could be seeing entire countries being shut down due to panic and govt quaratines type of actions. such as shutting schools, businesses, and curfews, etc. stuff that is already happening in mexico city, btw. scary stuff.
sometimes i sit back and try to vision the future. most of the time i see a world not a whole lot different than the one we live in now, but sometimes i see a perfect storm of small issues all piling together, to the point where it is too late to correct it, and everything goes to shit. have we reached that point....i don't think so.
well what's my advice on this round of being kicking while we are already down. keep a low profile until this thing ends. stay home as much as possible. follow the cdc's handwashing after touchig stuff and not touching your nose or mouth with your hands, etc. you can get the whole list at the cdc.gov site. avoid crowds. stay far away from sick co-workers. you never know if a buddy or relative you dont know about came back from mexico and has it. that is how this stuff spreads and fast. if your kid's school gets shut down temporarily due to this. use up your vacation time and stay home with them. a small child's life is worth far more than some vacation time. do not put them in daycare. that's the basics.
if this thing turns into a plague or starts to really ramp up....my advice is to watch any plague sci-fi flick. they usually cover all the scenarios possible.:)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2nd shoot straight gun store shooting....
well my day job is right down the street from this gun store, and in fact is the place i purchased my walther p22 last week. ironically between two shootings at this store. well i have some things to comment on this, and i imagine some people aren't going to like it.
the first killing was a murder suicide by a crazy woman who shot her adult son in the head at the range and then shot herself. her dirtbag husband knew she was a complete loon, but he did nothing to prevent her from going to the gun range. likewise her own son knew she was crazy, but went with her and even let her stand behind him with a loaded weapon while he was shooting. now i hate to blame a dead person, but a lesson to be learned here. never ever let a crazy person stand near or behind you with a loaded weapon.
now i have to ask...if you knew a family member was crazy, would you go to a gun range with them? then would you alow them to fill out a form and lie on it, then turn your back to them while they held a loaded weapon? i tend to think no one is to blame here but the dead son and the dirtbag dad who is now suing the gun store, saying, and get this....they shouldn't have rented a gun to her. she told the husband her and the adult son were going to the shooting range!!!! he blames the shooting range. i say, sorry buddy you and your family have caused enough damage already to this community. now a wrongful death lawsuit?!?! are you crazy as well, like your wife? please go away and take any looney relatives you have with you. i hope this judge and jury toss this farce of a lawsuit out of court and you as well. outrageous, imho.
then add to the fact that the state of florida will not allow the gun store to do background checks on people who want to rent guns, rather only when they buy a gun. ironaically had the state allowed this, both would have been denied gun rentals and access to the range, as both had long mental health issues. so basically they fill out a form, asking if they have been committed to a mental hospital and or are basically crazy and on crazy meds, or a convicted felon etc, but the gun store has no way to officially and legally verify they didn't lie on the form. i got news for this dirtbag dad, it's your fault. you should have payed more attention to what your family was doing. your looney wife would have killed your son with poison or a knife if she couldn't have gotten a gun. stop being stupid and put the blame where it belongs on your looney wife's head. likewise you should be blaming yourself for allowing her to run around and very thankful that she didn't harm the general public.
well i say crazy people will do crazy shit and the law should say no one can be held liable or accountable for anything a know crazy person does. you shouldn't be allowed to be sued because of what a crazy person does. i mean after all they are crazy, they could do anyting at any time!!! f*ck.
well shooting number two happened yesterday and it was a media blitz. 4 news helicopters flying above yesterday. sounded like a scene out of apopcalypse now. in this suicide. some looney kid went in and rented a gun and lied on the forms and then shot himself. the media is calling it a copycat suicide.
now the poor owner of this store is stuck cleaning up another mess, potentially another lawsuit, by this kid's family. i saw the family on the news and let's just hope they don't act like they look. maybe i'm wrong, but i'd bet 50 bucks they will do a wrongful death suit. once again, they knew their kid was crazy...well he was 26, not really a kid anymore. yet they did nothing to stop him from going to the range renting a gun and shooting himself. if you knew your kid had a history mental illness, drug problems, and criminal activity and he lived at home, the last place i'd let him go is to a gun store. likely i'd would have visited every gun store and range and asked them to not let him use their range...based on the fact that he is a certified looney. no one said being a parent wasn't going to be hard. damn this isn't rocket science people.
well the only real victims here are the owner of this gun store and the employees. how f*cked up is it to be so selfish you decide to kill yourself in someone's store where it provides a living for numerous people. not to mention the bad press and blood and brain mess to be cleaned up and the bad nightmares of people killing themselves in your store or place of employment. if you want to kill yourself or someone else and then yourself. first please get help. second if you can't get help or refuse to, at least have the decency to not do it in someone's business.
man o man.
the first killing was a murder suicide by a crazy woman who shot her adult son in the head at the range and then shot herself. her dirtbag husband knew she was a complete loon, but he did nothing to prevent her from going to the gun range. likewise her own son knew she was crazy, but went with her and even let her stand behind him with a loaded weapon while he was shooting. now i hate to blame a dead person, but a lesson to be learned here. never ever let a crazy person stand near or behind you with a loaded weapon.
now i have to ask...if you knew a family member was crazy, would you go to a gun range with them? then would you alow them to fill out a form and lie on it, then turn your back to them while they held a loaded weapon? i tend to think no one is to blame here but the dead son and the dirtbag dad who is now suing the gun store, saying, and get this....they shouldn't have rented a gun to her. she told the husband her and the adult son were going to the shooting range!!!! he blames the shooting range. i say, sorry buddy you and your family have caused enough damage already to this community. now a wrongful death lawsuit?!?! are you crazy as well, like your wife? please go away and take any looney relatives you have with you. i hope this judge and jury toss this farce of a lawsuit out of court and you as well. outrageous, imho.
then add to the fact that the state of florida will not allow the gun store to do background checks on people who want to rent guns, rather only when they buy a gun. ironaically had the state allowed this, both would have been denied gun rentals and access to the range, as both had long mental health issues. so basically they fill out a form, asking if they have been committed to a mental hospital and or are basically crazy and on crazy meds, or a convicted felon etc, but the gun store has no way to officially and legally verify they didn't lie on the form. i got news for this dirtbag dad, it's your fault. you should have payed more attention to what your family was doing. your looney wife would have killed your son with poison or a knife if she couldn't have gotten a gun. stop being stupid and put the blame where it belongs on your looney wife's head. likewise you should be blaming yourself for allowing her to run around and very thankful that she didn't harm the general public.
well i say crazy people will do crazy shit and the law should say no one can be held liable or accountable for anything a know crazy person does. you shouldn't be allowed to be sued because of what a crazy person does. i mean after all they are crazy, they could do anyting at any time!!! f*ck.
well shooting number two happened yesterday and it was a media blitz. 4 news helicopters flying above yesterday. sounded like a scene out of apopcalypse now. in this suicide. some looney kid went in and rented a gun and lied on the forms and then shot himself. the media is calling it a copycat suicide.
now the poor owner of this store is stuck cleaning up another mess, potentially another lawsuit, by this kid's family. i saw the family on the news and let's just hope they don't act like they look. maybe i'm wrong, but i'd bet 50 bucks they will do a wrongful death suit. once again, they knew their kid was crazy...well he was 26, not really a kid anymore. yet they did nothing to stop him from going to the range renting a gun and shooting himself. if you knew your kid had a history mental illness, drug problems, and criminal activity and he lived at home, the last place i'd let him go is to a gun store. likely i'd would have visited every gun store and range and asked them to not let him use their range...based on the fact that he is a certified looney. no one said being a parent wasn't going to be hard. damn this isn't rocket science people.
well the only real victims here are the owner of this gun store and the employees. how f*cked up is it to be so selfish you decide to kill yourself in someone's store where it provides a living for numerous people. not to mention the bad press and blood and brain mess to be cleaned up and the bad nightmares of people killing themselves in your store or place of employment. if you want to kill yourself or someone else and then yourself. first please get help. second if you can't get help or refuse to, at least have the decency to not do it in someone's business.
man o man.
Friday, April 24, 2009
why is there no .22lr ammo?

well i bought a walther p22 gun this week. this picture is a stock picture, but it's the same model my gun is. i like this little weapon and it is little. the picture makes it appear to be much larger.
anyways, so i sat through the florida 3 day waiting period for handguns...which by the way is a joke as it can actually be much more than 3 days. for example i bought it on sunday. well the fdle and atf and whatever other govt organization they have to process the paperwork through isn't open on sunday. so my pick up date turned out to be thursday. so it actually was 4.5 days. counting sunday and if i counted thursday, since i couldn't get to the store to get it until around 7pm that night...it would be easily 5 days. so critics of the 3 day florida rule quit complaining that the law is too easy.
look if someone was crazy, whether 2 weeks, 5 days or the same day it wouldn't matter. time doesn't deter craziness. even though the bulk of this article is on why there is a ammo shortage...i should mention there is a gun shortage as well. i had to go to almost every gun store in a 25 mile radius to find the one i bought...but there were plenty of guns to be had...just not maybe the one you wanted or in the caliber you wanted at every location. so keep your eye out for a possible upcoming gun shortage...if any of the theories below on ammo shortage prove to be true. especially the dhs or govt theory.
anyways, so my plan was to shoot a dozen rounds through it at the store's gun range. to my shock they had no .22lr ammo at all. as i walked around the store they had almost no ammo in any caliber. so i stopped by a couple more ammo stores on the way home, same story. so the next day i called around to every gun and ammo store including walmarts, etc. nothing zip. so then i hit the internet. same story nothing in high velocity anywhere. so being the way that i am, i started to do research. it appears to be across the entire country for the most part. so this leads me to come to four basic theories on what is going on.
theory one. people have gone raging crazy with fear of obama and his anti-2nd amendment thugs stopping private gun ownership, and are stockpiling ammo. as well as typical non-gun people running out and buying weapons and ammo as well. creating more demand than supply can handle. well this theory makes sense until i talked in detail to the walmart store managers and various gun store managers. they all said the same story. they can't get even close to what they were getting pre-obama. they all said demand was up a bit, but supply was way, way down, long before the demand side went crazy. in fact they all said demand was created by this lack of supply. so it leaves the question who is getting all this supply and stockpiling it before the gun stores and wholesalers and even the mighty walmart can get it?
theory 2. the ammo makers are cutting supply on purpose to drive up prices. this is a good theory as well, except i heard from a large wholesale distributor of ammo, that production is being run 24/7 at one ammo manufacturer. so they can't make anymore any faster.
theory 3. the two wars are draining supply. good theory too, on .223 or 5.56 nato rounds and 9mm and other worldwide military type rounds. except last time i looked a machine line didn't switch between center fire ammo and rim fire and i can't imagine the army needs .22lr ammo for wars. so this theory seems the least credible of them all but it's being pushed from the media as the main reason.
theory 4. this one i have seen on the super intense gun forums. the department of homeland security is placing huge purchases of all ammo calibers. being govt they get first priority over regular citizens and private business. now i know this one sounds conspiracy to the extreme, but i hate to admit it, it makes the most sense. as to why they would do this, who knows. i can say nothing the govt does would surprise me anymore.
theory 5....well, i have no more theories at this point to explain what is going on, so i have to stop at 4.
so maybe it's a combination of all of the above...which would be the most likely...but then again who really knows? one thing is for sure. something stinks to high hell.
well to sum up, it appears the liberal anti-2nd amendment winners in this last election got what they didn't want. they are directly responsible for re-arming america, and even to the point where they have pushed non gun people to go out and buy a weapon. it's ironic that they aren't smart enough to realize the more you try to scare people from owning weapons the more it drives them the other way and makes them a gun owner. if they would just stop talking about banning guns and leave it alone and respect the 2nd amendment, interest would dwindle down to the standard small group who engage in collecting and shooting sports and hunting, etc. and that would be that.
well i hope to get more info on where the ammo is going. i will continue to track down info, but i have spent many of my free hours available and this is as good as i got. i don't think with my lack of available reliable reseources i can get anything more than this. in the meantime i suggest everyone pay close attention to the govt as well as the ammo and weapons supply industries. something stinks badly...i can't explain whether it's obama or it's the gun/ammo industry? one of them is doing something that should be addressed and exposed to the voting and buying public, imho.
Friday, April 17, 2009
dutch tv talk show guy laughing at guest's tradegy....
i don't know the background of this video. in fact i just got it in an email from a co-worker at my day job. it might be a joke, it might be real, i have no knowledge of where it came from or of dutch tv in general. i can say this...i laughed my ass off for at least 8 minutes. i only wish we had a tv talk show with a host this good. this guy rules!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
it's been mentioned to me.....
that i post angry thoughts on this blog. well i'd like to comment on that...
it's true, i do post angry thoughts when i post. in fact i could be nicknamed angry jhb...because all i do is rant and rave....but i do it for good reasons...one is for historical reasons so i can go back and read what i was thinking at that moment in time. sometimes it's an eye opener. as time goes by i tend to water down my intensity i posted in my memory...and then when i go back and reread what i typed...i find my memory doesn't always do it justice. it's a bit of a self social experiment. i do tend to hold back quite a bit in posting. many times i type out a really nasty offensive posts and delete it before it becomes permanent. basically it all depends on my mood and how much energy i have when i am typing. i'd be lying if i said typing really nasty stuff didn't feel good, whether i post it or delete it.
it's like keeping sane therapy, sometimes. getting anger off my chest makes me feel better and i find typing it out into the world, whether read by people or not, works.
so yes i am an angry individual...but i'm not so angry about the gop and bankers....i mean i am, but what really angers me on a daily basis is stupidity. now i'm not saying i'm the shaprest knife in the drawer...in fact i'm rather dull....more like an old rusty serated blade that has been used on bone for many years.....but what bothers me is that so many people think they are so smart and yet they do the stupidest things daily.
this internal rage over stupid people makes me wonder what is the line between handling it and not handling it. daily my blood boils over little events. case in point road rage.
i tend to road rage daily now. to the point where i not only scream and curse and yell, but lately i find myself pointing at people who do amazingly stupid things in cars and invite them to pull over and fight over it in person. luckily no one has taken me up on my offers, but i have come to realize in the last few months that if someone did pull over i wouldn't flee, i'd fight. which seems silly as i know these events as infuriating as they are, are not worth fighting over.
i don't know if this change in me is due to the population increasing where i live and instead of more good smart people we are getting more stupid and worthless people everyday or if people have become so selfish and arrogant that i can't ignore it anymore....or if this recession and all the cry babying that is going on is startring to get to me(newsflash whiners, everyone has it hard this time around), or if i am starting to lose my grip on reality. maybe a combination of all four....but one things for sure...while i am not a ticking time bomb and i will not go out and do anything stupid....i feel driven to fight back more and more on a daily basis.
sometimes i just have had enough bullshit.
it's true, i do post angry thoughts when i post. in fact i could be nicknamed angry jhb...because all i do is rant and rave....but i do it for good reasons...one is for historical reasons so i can go back and read what i was thinking at that moment in time. sometimes it's an eye opener. as time goes by i tend to water down my intensity i posted in my memory...and then when i go back and reread what i typed...i find my memory doesn't always do it justice. it's a bit of a self social experiment. i do tend to hold back quite a bit in posting. many times i type out a really nasty offensive posts and delete it before it becomes permanent. basically it all depends on my mood and how much energy i have when i am typing. i'd be lying if i said typing really nasty stuff didn't feel good, whether i post it or delete it.
it's like keeping sane therapy, sometimes. getting anger off my chest makes me feel better and i find typing it out into the world, whether read by people or not, works.
so yes i am an angry individual...but i'm not so angry about the gop and bankers....i mean i am, but what really angers me on a daily basis is stupidity. now i'm not saying i'm the shaprest knife in the drawer...in fact i'm rather dull....more like an old rusty serated blade that has been used on bone for many years.....but what bothers me is that so many people think they are so smart and yet they do the stupidest things daily.
this internal rage over stupid people makes me wonder what is the line between handling it and not handling it. daily my blood boils over little events. case in point road rage.
i tend to road rage daily now. to the point where i not only scream and curse and yell, but lately i find myself pointing at people who do amazingly stupid things in cars and invite them to pull over and fight over it in person. luckily no one has taken me up on my offers, but i have come to realize in the last few months that if someone did pull over i wouldn't flee, i'd fight. which seems silly as i know these events as infuriating as they are, are not worth fighting over.
i don't know if this change in me is due to the population increasing where i live and instead of more good smart people we are getting more stupid and worthless people everyday or if people have become so selfish and arrogant that i can't ignore it anymore....or if this recession and all the cry babying that is going on is startring to get to me(newsflash whiners, everyone has it hard this time around), or if i am starting to lose my grip on reality. maybe a combination of all four....but one things for sure...while i am not a ticking time bomb and i will not go out and do anything stupid....i feel driven to fight back more and more on a daily basis.
sometimes i just have had enough bullshit.
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