Thursday, October 29, 2009

p238 first range report

so i took my new p238 to the range to run some ammo through it and see how it handled. the only .380 ammo the range had was pmc fmj or ball ammo, korean stuff, so that is the only ammo i can report on at this time.
so i only had one magazine and it's the one the gun came with. i played around with the mustang version magazine and it appears to have a larger bottom lip and a higher arced ammo feeder.
anyways, so i shot 50 rounds through it. not one hiccup. feed all fine ejected all cases fine, no ftf, fte, ft feed. nothing ran perfect.
i shot a silhouette style paper target. the sights on my p238 ened up having me shoot a bit low. nothing horrible, but i did have to adjust to hit where i wanted to. other than that accuracy was decent. at around 10 ft, hitting dead center and shooting through the same holes was easy. at around 20-25ft. hitting the center mass was a piece of cake...hitting the dead center took a bit of effort. at 35ft....hitting the center mass was easy. all in all a decently accurate pocket pistol.
trigger pull is rated at around 5lbs. while it wasn't as nice as my emp trigger, it was a very decent trigger. i noticed no creep or travel nonsense. it broke clean and in the same spot each time. verynatural pull for me. far nicer than my kel-tec p32 trigger or any glock trigger i've shot. i know it's comparing apples to oranges.
the recoil. i was a bit weary after reading the horror stories of people shooting the ruger lcp and kel-tec p3at and having numb hands, etc. the p238 was a breeze, it had so little recoil i was actually shocked. it felt like shooting my walther p22. i know people compare guns to .22lr recoil all the time, but this gun had almost no muzzle flip and repeat shots were almost too easy for double tapping.
well i only shot 50 rounds due to time constraints.
i did a cleaning on it when i got home and the pmc ammo while it did well at the range, it was dirty as hell. i didn't notice it while shooting, but when i took the gun apart to clean it it had black everywhere. cleaning was easy. no special tools were required. it's very similair to a 1911, but a little different in a couple ways. field stripping would be no problem at all.
now for the bad part....the nitron finish on the slide. i followed the sig manual instructions on cleaning to the tee...even the ridiculous brushing oil deal. i noticed after all was said and done that the deep black nitron was now a lighter grey. in other words it appears to me that this finish came off after only one shooting and cleaning. pretty sad. the deep black on the frame was still there...but now the slide looks grey and the gun looks two toned. maybe i'm crazy, but i seem to remember the gun being a deep black all over?? anyways, that is enough for me to recommend getting the non-nitron version.
all in all i have no probelm recommending this gun to anyone who is okay and is trained and understands, the single action "cocked and locked" setup for ccw. it is an awesome gun and the fit and finish is really good at least on my gun. my only complaint is the nitron fading this quickly.

Monday, October 26, 2009

what's in my arsenal now.....

well let's see besides my shotguns...and my walther p22. i added a kel-tec p32 in .32 caliber...that i like to carry. this gun although underpowered to kill very nice to pocket carry. i also added a springfield armory emp in 9mm. i looked hard at the kimber's and sa, but in the end the sa won as all the kimhber's i looked at in my dealer's stock had issues. it was shocking to me how brand new guns at this price point could have these kind of flaws. even my dealer said he was getting sick and tired of the kimber quality contol issues. now mind you most were superficial stuff like corrosion on the their carbon barrels/muzzles. and just all in all bad finishing work for $1k + priced stuff,....but i've also heard good results with kimber's and if i remember right i think rampage owns one that has been good for him, right? anyways...i like the springfield better, so i added the emp. from what i say comparing apples to apples...springfield vs. kimber...springfield wins every time. cheaper, better quality materials and all in all better guns for less money than a kimber. not that kimber's are crap or anything, but they are too high priced for what you really get. ymmv.
i also added a s&w m&p 15 in .22lr. this is onbe awesome gun. looks badass and is badass for a .22lr rifle.
lastly a sig sauer p238 in .380. i love this little single action pistol. it is one awesome gun for under 500 bucks. almost an exact copy of the infamous colt mustang pistol.
well safe shooting everyone......

what is obama doing?.....

it should be no surprise to anyone who reads my ramblings that i'm not a big fan of our current president. what i see going on, is shocking though. forget about the birth certitifcate, beign a secret muslim, and other nonsense being pumped out there by anti-obama extremists...i'm talking about his war with fox news.

this is the first time a president has played this kind of battle with a news agency. now we could debate all day long whether fox is a news outlet or a conservative think tank propaganda machine. that isn't really the point. there is always going to be a slant in a news group. no one here can't possibly think that msnbc isn't a left leaning group...and fox is a right leaning group. the point is....we are talking about abuse of power and freedom of the press. a president cannot use his broad political and monetary power to attack and punish a news agency...because once this trend starts it won't end with just fox. even the other news networks have figured this out, and they refused to interview one of obama's czars since fox was not invited. next election a hard right wing president might get elected....high likely at the rate obama is going,...but who here wants this right wing hard lined president to attack the remaining new agencys with their power? before long every news agency would be afraid of rocking the boat and hence they don't report the nasty stuff that goes on in politics. then it won't be long before we have no idea what is going on and when the limited transparency is gone, abuse becomes rampant.

obama is out of his mind. he needs to put a stop to this right now. if he has half a brain, and i'm sure he does.....if he doesn't want to be remembered as the first president with a glass jaw who can't take a few jabs and someone who shut down the freedom of the press, he betyter think long and hard on how he is going to proceed with the way he does business.