Monday, November 16, 2009

review of america freedom to facism....

i recently got a link from a buddy about this film. i was very skeptical at first, and figured i;'d watch about 5 minutes of it's 151 minutes and then move on to better things. i'd be lying if i didn't admit i watched the whole thing and i can say it's a decently done film, except for one thing. more on that later.

i even send a link to rampage45XXXX.

this film left an impact on me, i was part rage, part shock, and a whole lot of other emotions mixed in. i made me feel betrayed and lied to, and i can say i was not a happy camper. i spent the weekend thinking about it while i went about my chores and life, etc. there were a few things that bugged me so i did what anyone would do:)...a little research on the topics of the film via the internet.

as usual turns out there is more than a few topics that are very controversial and after weighing both sides of the story.... it appears the film has went a bit off left field in their interpretation of the facts.

there is some complicated subjects that they turned into yes and no type of stuff, when it's not really that simple. i can't say the film didn't provide some attention that certainly is needed on certain areas of our complex system. as for their theories on it, it appears the facts are against them...but it's another lesson for me to remember always be skeptical no matter how good it sounds. reminds me of the story my old man told me about jury duty he was on. he said the first lawyer would speak and by the time he was done every juror was sure he was right and was on his side. then the opposing lawyer would speak and by the time he was done everyone was on his side. point being is words are vicious weapons. we all have to be very careful and make sure we always find out both sides of every story before we make up our minds.

none the less. it's an interesting take on the way things are, and worth a watch if you enjoy conspiracy stuff. just remember to look up the other side of the story so you get the full story and not each sides edited version. here is a link to both sides.....

link to this movie above....

a nice counter point site that expels all rumors about tax laws, etc...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the recession is offically over, but where are the obama stimulus jobs?

surprising, hardly. typical politics and govt. remember the shovel ready highway jobs that were going to be created and put people back to work immediately....well i recently went on a 13 state road trip and what i saw was about 15 signs showing the obama stimulus that was supposed to create shovel ready jobs with no actual workers working on them nor any real construction started. yet congress managed to spend over 15 million dollars putting up road signs that said your stimulus money hard at work on " construction" sites and future road "construction" sites.

the good news is, i guess at least the sign people and the design people got 15 million bucks putting up worthless expensive signs to try to make obama look less like an asshole than he already does. after all how many good jobs could that 15 million bucks have created???

well almost 1 trillion dollars of made up money and borrowed money from congress and obama, and how many jobs did this actually save or create? let's do some investigating shall we....

obama and his number crunchers claim they saved or created 650, 000 jobs with almost 1 trillion in stimulus money, actual 787 billion or so. shall we do the math....that's $1,210,769.23076 per job the govt spent. over a million bucks per job. hell, not much bang for our buck is that?

here's the problem besides the obvious that over a million bucks per job is pretty damn shitty as a track record. it is a known fact that they double counted lots of govt jobs. state, local govt jobs are great, but this doesn't exactly help the everyday worker...besides that, we could create 10 $100,000 jobs with a million bucks instead of 1 job. anybody else see the stink of this whole thing? this 650,000 jobs are all almost all low paying govt sector jobs...not private. so essentially it shows that govt sucks at even creating something as simple as jobs with a huge chunk of cash.

where is all this money going if not creating jobs, you ask? well read the bill. plenty of earmarks and special interest spending, nonsense...yeah the same stuff he promised he wouldn't allow or sign into law. is anyone really that stupid that they think this guy is on the up and up?? if so, i worry about you.

keep in mind that not all this money has been "spent" the liberal wackos will argue that only so many billion or whatever has been spent, but my argument is why not? how long can it possibly take to create shovel ready jobs, damn!! every day more and more jobs are lost and we ares itting on a huge pile of money and not creating those shovel reafdy jobs and getting people back to work right away, as promised? seems to me this was part of the reason the bill got create/save f'ing jobs!!!!! f' ing bureacrats.

damn, obama sucks the big one. we'll see how america thinks after these rounds of elections coming up and how he wasted how many working hours campaigning for dumbasses like himself. if i got my own obama beer party like that idiot, racist, loudmouthed, harvard first question to him would be, where are your campaign promises asshole? do your f'ing job! you promised of fixing the economy, so stop playing politics that you pretend to dislike so much when they are used on you. and get your ass to work fulfilling what you promised!!!