this one i love. i grabbed it from a news story awhile back. believe it or not this was an arizona beaty queen at one time. now for those who think drugs and liquor don't take a toll on you...think again!!! for fun here was a before meth and drugs and well you've seen the after picture.......
my oh my how the beautiful have fallen.....so remember this kids....don't do drugs and drink alcohol. this is what will happen to you. if this wasn't enough to make you think twice...how about taking a trip to any bar not populated with young twenty year olds and take a look at those who have regular seats. once long ago they were good looking people too. i rest my case.........
Can I just say that while I think she looks different, I don't think she looks much worse than she used to? I know beauty is in the eye, blah blah blah, but I do NOT think she was pretty. Heh.
But, she does look more worn out than she did in the older photo.
come on. you don't see a world of difference of sorts between the two pictures? oh i don't think she was a walking perfect 10 before by any means. she has a certain amount of ugliness to her. maybe it's that cheesy gun pose? i can't say she is a 2 either, cause she isn't horrible in the before picture either. i'd put her before picture at a 6.5-7 range. in the after at a 1. i have a certain liking towards blonds whether fake or real...so i admit i am biased a bit, but i think i'm being somewhat fair on both pictures. my wife would kill me if she knew i gave her a 7 at any time...she would call her a complete "skank" in her southern draw and probably smack me upside my head. so "shhhhhhh" keep that between you and i.:)
Well, like I said, beauty is in the eye and et cetera.
I figured if she was a beauty queen I was probably in the minority on this one. It's that Uma Thurman nose she's got. But still, that facial expression she's making in the after photo makes it hard to see what she really looks like; but as I said before, she does look more worn out than she did.
So I never would've pegged them for the same person, but I don't necessarily think she was pretty beforehand. I think that clarifies what I was trying to say.
What I REALLY wanna know is who that person is on your MySpace photo. What's the story behind that?
i hear you. ultimately i think it's her "rack" that makes up allot for her face. as sick and perverted as that sounds...there is allot of truth to men ranking women's looks heavily on body, and not really knowing it.
ahhh...you want to know about willy rascoe, eh? rascoe is a defining moment where it began me hunting through the newspaper and the funeral section looking for pictures. there are some damn funny looking people out there. this is nothing new for me though. one of my oldest and favorite pastimes is going through people's yearbooks and chuckling at the "ugly" people. not that they are always ugly, but rather goofy pictures that just make me laugh and not stop. a buddy of mine from homa, la, got me started on yearbooks...then i saw rascoe in the local paper...and that was the beginning of it all.
as to who rascoe is...well he is some creep child absuer/molester who is from my same home town in pennsylvania...i know small world...and picked up on charges here in central florida for the same crimes. i am not advocating his existence...rather i hate these kinds of sick perverts and think they should all be punished harshly and locked up for life...but what amuses me about rascoe is, what kid wouldn't go running the other way when they saw that monstrosity?? seriously...it's very ironic...i mean this guy reeks of creep and looks like a total wacko. i can't imagine any child not running like hell when they saw him show up in the park. i have quite a few other pictures almost equally as good as rascoe in my "book of shame" which is an old photo album stuffed with pictures cut out of the local papers. we had a sick office thing where we would constantly cut out ugly pictures and tape them to each others doors...finally we had so many and some were so good, one of the guys who was recently divorced, back then, brought in his wedding album after he burned all his pictures and we started keeping them in there. we grew out of keeping it up, but i still have the album somewhere at my house.
so there you go the story of rascoe.
Oh my gosh, that's priceless! I consider myself fairly creative, but I never would've thought to keep an album full of photos of ugly people! Bwahaha! Did Miss Ex-Beauty Queen make the cut?
And now I know why that guy in your picture always kinda creeped me out a little.
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