i recently got a link from a buddy about this film. i was very skeptical at first, and figured i;'d watch about 5 minutes of it's 151 minutes and then move on to better things. i'd be lying if i didn't admit i watched the whole thing and i can say it's a decently done film, except for one thing. more on that later.
i even send a link to rampage45XXXX.
this film left an impact on me, i was part rage, part shock, and a whole lot of other emotions mixed in. i made me feel betrayed and lied to, and i can say i was not a happy camper. i spent the weekend thinking about it while i went about my chores and life, etc. there were a few things that bugged me so i did what anyone would do:)...a little research on the topics of the film via the internet.
as usual turns out there is more than a few topics that are very controversial and after weighing both sides of the story.... it appears the film has went a bit off left field in their interpretation of the facts.
there is some complicated subjects that they turned into yes and no type of stuff, when it's not really that simple. i can't say the film didn't provide some attention that certainly is needed on certain areas of our complex system. as for their theories on it, it appears the facts are against them...but it's another lesson for me to remember always be skeptical no matter how good it sounds. reminds me of the story my old man told me about jury duty he was on. he said the first lawyer would speak and by the time he was done every juror was sure he was right and was on his side. then the opposing lawyer would speak and by the time he was done everyone was on his side. point being is words are vicious weapons. we all have to be very careful and make sure we always find out both sides of every story before we make up our minds.
none the less. it's an interesting take on the way things are, and worth a watch if you enjoy conspiracy stuff. just remember to look up the other side of the story so you get the full story and not each sides edited version. here is a link to both sides.....
link to this movie above....
a nice counter point site that expels all rumors about tax laws, etc...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
the recession is offically over, but where are the obama stimulus jobs?
surprising, hardly. typical politics and govt. remember the shovel ready highway jobs that were going to be created and put people back to work immediately....well i recently went on a 13 state road trip and what i saw was about 15 signs showing the obama stimulus that was supposed to create shovel ready jobs with no actual workers working on them nor any real construction started. yet congress managed to spend over 15 million dollars putting up road signs that said your stimulus money hard at work on " construction" sites and future road "construction" sites.
the good news is, i guess at least the sign people and the design people got 15 million bucks putting up worthless expensive signs to try to make obama look less like an asshole than he already does. after all how many good jobs could that 15 million bucks have created???
well almost 1 trillion dollars of made up money and borrowed money from congress and obama, and how many jobs did this actually save or create? let's do some investigating shall we....
obama and his number crunchers claim they saved or created 650, 000 jobs with almost 1 trillion in stimulus money, actual 787 billion or so. shall we do the math....that's $1,210,769.23076 per job the govt spent. over a million bucks per job. hell, not much bang for our buck is that?
here's the problem besides the obvious that over a million bucks per job is pretty damn shitty as a track record. it is a known fact that they double counted lots of govt jobs. state, local govt jobs are great, but this doesn't exactly help the everyday worker...besides that, we could create 10 $100,000 jobs with a million bucks instead of 1 job. anybody else see the stink of this whole thing? this 650,000 jobs are all almost all low paying govt sector jobs...not private. so essentially it shows that govt sucks at even creating something as simple as jobs with a huge chunk of cash.
where is all this money going if not creating jobs, you ask? well read the bill. plenty of earmarks and special interest spending, nonsense...yeah the same stuff he promised he wouldn't allow or sign into law. is anyone really that stupid that they think this guy is on the up and up?? if so, i worry about you.
keep in mind that not all this money has been "spent" yet....so the liberal wackos will argue that only so many billion or whatever has been spent, but my argument is why not? how long can it possibly take to create shovel ready jobs, damn!! every day more and more jobs are lost and we ares itting on a huge pile of money and not creating those shovel reafdy jobs and getting people back to work right away, as promised? seems to me this was part of the reason the bill got passed....to create/save f'ing jobs!!!!! f' ing bureacrats.
damn, obama sucks the big one. we'll see how america thinks after these rounds of elections coming up and how he wasted how many working hours campaigning for dumbasses like himself. if i got my own obama beer party like that idiot, racist, loudmouthed, harvard professor.....my first question to him would be, where are your campaign promises asshole? do your f'ing job! you promised of fixing the economy, so stop playing politics that you pretend to dislike so much when they are used on you. and get your ass to work fulfilling what you promised!!!
the good news is, i guess at least the sign people and the design people got 15 million bucks putting up worthless expensive signs to try to make obama look less like an asshole than he already does. after all how many good jobs could that 15 million bucks have created???
well almost 1 trillion dollars of made up money and borrowed money from congress and obama, and how many jobs did this actually save or create? let's do some investigating shall we....
obama and his number crunchers claim they saved or created 650, 000 jobs with almost 1 trillion in stimulus money, actual 787 billion or so. shall we do the math....that's $1,210,769.23076 per job the govt spent. over a million bucks per job. hell, not much bang for our buck is that?
here's the problem besides the obvious that over a million bucks per job is pretty damn shitty as a track record. it is a known fact that they double counted lots of govt jobs. state, local govt jobs are great, but this doesn't exactly help the everyday worker...besides that, we could create 10 $100,000 jobs with a million bucks instead of 1 job. anybody else see the stink of this whole thing? this 650,000 jobs are all almost all low paying govt sector jobs...not private. so essentially it shows that govt sucks at even creating something as simple as jobs with a huge chunk of cash.
where is all this money going if not creating jobs, you ask? well read the bill. plenty of earmarks and special interest spending, nonsense...yeah the same stuff he promised he wouldn't allow or sign into law. is anyone really that stupid that they think this guy is on the up and up?? if so, i worry about you.
keep in mind that not all this money has been "spent" yet....so the liberal wackos will argue that only so many billion or whatever has been spent, but my argument is why not? how long can it possibly take to create shovel ready jobs, damn!! every day more and more jobs are lost and we ares itting on a huge pile of money and not creating those shovel reafdy jobs and getting people back to work right away, as promised? seems to me this was part of the reason the bill got passed....to create/save f'ing jobs!!!!! f' ing bureacrats.
damn, obama sucks the big one. we'll see how america thinks after these rounds of elections coming up and how he wasted how many working hours campaigning for dumbasses like himself. if i got my own obama beer party like that idiot, racist, loudmouthed, harvard professor.....my first question to him would be, where are your campaign promises asshole? do your f'ing job! you promised of fixing the economy, so stop playing politics that you pretend to dislike so much when they are used on you. and get your ass to work fulfilling what you promised!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
p238 first range report

so i took my new p238 to the range to run some ammo through it and see how it handled. the only .380 ammo the range had was pmc fmj or ball ammo, korean stuff, so that is the only ammo i can report on at this time.
so i only had one magazine and it's the one the gun came with. i played around with the mustang version magazine and it appears to have a larger bottom lip and a higher arced ammo feeder.
anyways, so i shot 50 rounds through it. not one hiccup. feed all fine ejected all cases fine, no ftf, fte, ft feed. nothing ran perfect.
i shot a silhouette style paper target. the sights on my p238 ened up having me shoot a bit low. nothing horrible, but i did have to adjust to hit where i wanted to. other than that accuracy was decent. at around 10 ft, hitting dead center and shooting through the same holes was easy. at around 20-25ft. hitting the center mass was a piece of cake...hitting the dead center took a bit of effort. at 35ft....hitting the center mass was easy. all in all a decently accurate pocket pistol.
trigger pull is rated at around 5lbs. while it wasn't as nice as my emp trigger, it was a very decent trigger. i noticed no creep or travel nonsense. it broke clean and in the same spot each time. verynatural pull for me. far nicer than my kel-tec p32 trigger or any glock trigger i've shot. i know it's comparing apples to oranges.
the recoil. i was a bit weary after reading the horror stories of people shooting the ruger lcp and kel-tec p3at and having numb hands, etc. the p238 was a breeze, it had so little recoil i was actually shocked. it felt like shooting my walther p22. i know people compare guns to .22lr recoil all the time, but this gun had almost no muzzle flip and repeat shots were almost too easy for double tapping.
well i only shot 50 rounds due to time constraints.
i did a cleaning on it when i got home and the pmc ammo while it did well at the range, it was dirty as hell. i didn't notice it while shooting, but when i took the gun apart to clean it it had black everywhere. cleaning was easy. no special tools were required. it's very similair to a 1911, but a little different in a couple ways. field stripping would be no problem at all.
now for the bad part....the nitron finish on the slide. i followed the sig manual instructions on cleaning to the tee...even the ridiculous brushing oil deal. i noticed after all was said and done that the deep black nitron was now a lighter grey. in other words it appears to me that this finish came off after only one shooting and cleaning. pretty sad. the deep black on the frame was still there...but now the slide looks grey and the gun looks two toned. maybe i'm crazy, but i seem to remember the gun being a deep black all over?? anyways, that is enough for me to recommend getting the non-nitron version.
all in all i have no probelm recommending this gun to anyone who is okay and is trained and understands, the single action "cocked and locked" setup for ccw. it is an awesome gun and the fit and finish is really good at least on my gun. my only complaint is the nitron fading this quickly.
Monday, October 26, 2009
what's in my arsenal now.....

well let's see besides my shotguns...and my walther p22. i added a kel-tec p32 in .32 caliber...that i like to carry. this gun although underpowered to kill troublemakers....is very nice to pocket carry. i also added a springfield armory emp in 9mm. i looked hard at the kimber's and sa, but in the end the sa won as all the kimhber's i looked at in my dealer's stock had issues. it was shocking to me how brand new guns at this price point could have these kind of flaws. even my dealer said he was getting sick and tired of the kimber quality contol issues. now mind you most were superficial stuff like corrosion on the their carbon barrels/muzzles. and just all in all bad finishing work for $1k + priced stuff,....but i've also heard good results with kimber's and if i remember right i think rampage owns one that has been good for him, right? anyways...i like the springfield better, so i added the emp. from what i say comparing apples to apples...springfield vs. kimber...springfield wins every time. cheaper, better quality materials and all in all better guns for less money than a kimber. not that kimber's are crap or anything, but they are too high priced for what you really get. ymmv.
i also added a s&w m&p 15 in .22lr. this is onbe awesome gun. looks badass and is badass for a .22lr rifle.
lastly a sig sauer p238 in .380. i love this little single action pistol. it is one awesome gun for under 500 bucks. almost an exact copy of the infamous colt mustang pistol.
well safe shooting everyone......
what is obama doing?.....
it should be no surprise to anyone who reads my ramblings that i'm not a big fan of our current president. what i see going on, is shocking though. forget about the birth certitifcate, beign a secret muslim, and other nonsense being pumped out there by anti-obama extremists...i'm talking about his war with fox news.
this is the first time a president has played this kind of battle with a news agency. now we could debate all day long whether fox is a news outlet or a conservative think tank propaganda machine. that isn't really the point. there is always going to be a slant in a news group. no one here can't possibly think that msnbc isn't a left leaning group...and fox is a right leaning group. the point is....we are talking about abuse of power and freedom of the press. a president cannot use his broad political and monetary power to attack and punish a news agency...because once this trend starts it won't end with just fox. even the other news networks have figured this out, and they refused to interview one of obama's czars since fox was not invited. next election a hard right wing president might get elected....high likely at the rate obama is going,...but who here wants this right wing hard lined president to attack the remaining new agencys with their power? before long every news agency would be afraid of rocking the boat and hence they don't report the nasty stuff that goes on in politics. then it won't be long before we have no idea what is going on and when the limited transparency is gone, abuse becomes rampant.
obama is out of his mind. he needs to put a stop to this right now. if he has half a brain, and i'm sure he does.....if he doesn't want to be remembered as the first president with a glass jaw who can't take a few jabs and someone who shut down the freedom of the press, he betyter think long and hard on how he is going to proceed with the way he does business.
this is the first time a president has played this kind of battle with a news agency. now we could debate all day long whether fox is a news outlet or a conservative think tank propaganda machine. that isn't really the point. there is always going to be a slant in a news group. no one here can't possibly think that msnbc isn't a left leaning group...and fox is a right leaning group. the point is....we are talking about abuse of power and freedom of the press. a president cannot use his broad political and monetary power to attack and punish a news agency...because once this trend starts it won't end with just fox. even the other news networks have figured this out, and they refused to interview one of obama's czars since fox was not invited. next election a hard right wing president might get elected....high likely at the rate obama is going,...but who here wants this right wing hard lined president to attack the remaining new agencys with their power? before long every news agency would be afraid of rocking the boat and hence they don't report the nasty stuff that goes on in politics. then it won't be long before we have no idea what is going on and when the limited transparency is gone, abuse becomes rampant.
obama is out of his mind. he needs to put a stop to this right now. if he has half a brain, and i'm sure he does.....if he doesn't want to be remembered as the first president with a glass jaw who can't take a few jabs and someone who shut down the freedom of the press, he betyter think long and hard on how he is going to proceed with the way he does business.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
ammo shortages continue, ccw permits going crazy, sotomayor, stimulus plan...man o man...
well the ammo shortages still seem to be on going. .22lr finally is getting easier to find....but still hard to get what brand and type you want. .380 acp is in very short supply. hard as hell to find...the new .380 range of ccws is out and this could account for those shortages. i talked to a ffl holder who is buddies with an ammo distributor and he says 9mmx19 luger is in such demand that they won't shut down that production to make the .380acp or 9mm wurz (short). so this could continue for sometime.
btw, ammo stockpiling isn't being done by crazies....everyone fears obama and his gang of deadbeats thugs. the gun stores are packed everyday around here and it's all walks of life....the gun nuts don't even show up anymore because there is too many people paying top dollar for anything that goes bang. obama has won one award this year...gun and ammo salesman of the year!!!!
i applied for my ccw permit. that was a cluster f!!! class was packed to the gills with people wanting to carry a firearm concealed legally and protect themselves. it appears it's not just me that fears obama and his thugs are working hard to taking our 2nd amendment away. most were single older (40's and 50's) women who have never owned or fired a gun in their lives. talking to the instructors they tell me the bulk of the classes are that group. very few young men and women (aka brain dead obama supporters). so far the state is so far behind you'll be lucky if you get your permit in 6 months. to renew it, by law in my state, they have to do it in 90days...but that isn't happening. recently due to the state budget cuts...the state democrats tried to steal these funds. the governor stopped it though. see balance of power works better than a fascism.
oh and sotomayor. i love this stupid old hag. according to the nra she has ruled in the past that the police have no obligation to protect any individual, rather only the general public. meaning if the police mess up and don't get to you in time or at all and you end up raped or dead, it's not their problem. likewise she has ruled in favor of people not being allowed to defend themselves legally. in fact she thinks only federally owned lands are covered by the 2nd amendment....not the states. so basically she thinks the police don't have to protect you and you can't protect yourself. pretty smart, isn't she. a true wise latina woman, if i ever saw one, lol. she's not appearing to me as too bright a long term thinker in her decisions, but then again and to be fair i've never heard a lawyer i thought had any common sense.
the real irony is if this is the best we have in america for the supreme court we are doomed. i'll bet though there is more than a few wise old black or white women or men who would be a far better fit for this lifetime appointment....but it appears in america we have to fill race quotas. getting the best most qualified person is second fiddle to filling a seat with a hispanic. nice going obama, nice going. you are really leaving a historical legacy. the first president since carter to fuck up everything he touches.
the stimulus. so far it's saved basically no jobs. there is so much red tape that getting the money is almost impossible. the business i'm in bidding on govt housing in the tampa area.....they speced out top of the line carrier infinity systems (the gold standard of air conditioning and humidity control) for govt housing. yep when i questioned the county about it and how it wasn't going to be cheap....they said it wasn't an issue as it's in the obama stimulus plan. you should see the other top tier stuff they speced out. so your tax dollars are providing better air conditioning and housing than you the tax payer can afford for themselves. this is happening people.
what america needs more than anything right now is a Ron Paul type of guy. remember this come 2012. i sure hope the idiots that voted this nimrod obama into office aren't remembered as the generation who lost our god given rights by electing morons who care more about power than the hardworking, self supporting, american people. the true backbone of this country.
fyi, if your an obama supporter i don't care what you think so don't bother commenting. i could give a rat's ass to your warped and brain dead beliefs. btw, fuck you, too.
btw, ammo stockpiling isn't being done by crazies....everyone fears obama and his gang of deadbeats thugs. the gun stores are packed everyday around here and it's all walks of life....the gun nuts don't even show up anymore because there is too many people paying top dollar for anything that goes bang. obama has won one award this year...gun and ammo salesman of the year!!!!
i applied for my ccw permit. that was a cluster f!!! class was packed to the gills with people wanting to carry a firearm concealed legally and protect themselves. it appears it's not just me that fears obama and his thugs are working hard to taking our 2nd amendment away. most were single older (40's and 50's) women who have never owned or fired a gun in their lives. talking to the instructors they tell me the bulk of the classes are that group. very few young men and women (aka brain dead obama supporters). so far the state is so far behind you'll be lucky if you get your permit in 6 months. to renew it, by law in my state, they have to do it in 90days...but that isn't happening. recently due to the state budget cuts...the state democrats tried to steal these funds. the governor stopped it though. see balance of power works better than a fascism.
oh and sotomayor. i love this stupid old hag. according to the nra she has ruled in the past that the police have no obligation to protect any individual, rather only the general public. meaning if the police mess up and don't get to you in time or at all and you end up raped or dead, it's not their problem. likewise she has ruled in favor of people not being allowed to defend themselves legally. in fact she thinks only federally owned lands are covered by the 2nd amendment....not the states. so basically she thinks the police don't have to protect you and you can't protect yourself. pretty smart, isn't she. a true wise latina woman, if i ever saw one, lol. she's not appearing to me as too bright a long term thinker in her decisions, but then again and to be fair i've never heard a lawyer i thought had any common sense.
the real irony is if this is the best we have in america for the supreme court we are doomed. i'll bet though there is more than a few wise old black or white women or men who would be a far better fit for this lifetime appointment....but it appears in america we have to fill race quotas. getting the best most qualified person is second fiddle to filling a seat with a hispanic. nice going obama, nice going. you are really leaving a historical legacy. the first president since carter to fuck up everything he touches.
the stimulus. so far it's saved basically no jobs. there is so much red tape that getting the money is almost impossible. the business i'm in bidding on govt housing in the tampa area.....they speced out top of the line carrier infinity systems (the gold standard of air conditioning and humidity control) for govt housing. yep when i questioned the county about it and how it wasn't going to be cheap....they said it wasn't an issue as it's in the obama stimulus plan. you should see the other top tier stuff they speced out. so your tax dollars are providing better air conditioning and housing than you the tax payer can afford for themselves. this is happening people.
what america needs more than anything right now is a Ron Paul type of guy. remember this come 2012. i sure hope the idiots that voted this nimrod obama into office aren't remembered as the generation who lost our god given rights by electing morons who care more about power than the hardworking, self supporting, american people. the true backbone of this country.
fyi, if your an obama supporter i don't care what you think so don't bother commenting. i could give a rat's ass to your warped and brain dead beliefs. btw, fuck you, too.
ammo shortages,
moron democrats,
ron paul,
stimulus plan
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
swine flu - should we be just as worried about crying wolf?
well it shouldn't be news to anyone at this point. we have a swine flue outbreak. swine meaning it's a variant of a human/pig influenza virus. yes, pigs are so similar to humans we can bascially cross pass viruses between us. in fact pigs organs are almost identical to ours as well as their flesh. in interveiwing cannibal societies over the years they related human meat to being very close to pig. also ballistic test are sometimes doen with live pigs to get "better real world results."so think of that next time you eat some bacon or a ham.
anyways, so it's come out of a big smelly shithole called mexico city. no surprise to me, but a bit disturbing seeing how many border crossings we have daily into our country.
well rather than cover whate very media outlet is on this pandemic. i'm going to state what i thought of going back to the asian sars outbreak. this was pusehd in much the same way as this swine flu is now. as we know the sars outbreak was stopped fast. we could debate all day on what stopped it, but my point being is that this one is being taken very seriously in some ways too seriously. what i mean by that is, if this thing dies iff and doesn't do too muhc on a global scale. when we have a bird flu plague or somehting else that could wipe out hundreds of millions of people will we all take it as seriously as we should?
i don't know.
lately i've been kind of a dooms dayer in my ramblings and this time i am not saying to ignore this bug. it appears to be getting worse and mutations occur quickly and that could mean not only young children and old people getting killed, but also young healthy adults. so yeah i am saying take it seriously. not to the point where you exhaust yourself though. meaning the next time another one of these pops up, your memory of having put so much energy and effort for no reason on this swine flu might make you just shrug your shoulders and say so what.
okay back to my dooms dayer. this is certainly not what we need right now in the global economic crisis. the travel industries meaning hotels, airlines, destinations, etc can't take any more cutbacks in volume. ironically it was the travel indistry that turned this into a global pandemic. i got a bad feeling about this bug, this time. of course all i seem to get lately are bad feelings about everything. so keep that in mind as i ramble on further.
this could be a show stopper. if it mutates and becomes much more deadly we could be seeing entire countries being shut down due to panic and govt quaratines type of actions. such as shutting schools, businesses, and curfews, etc. stuff that is already happening in mexico city, btw. scary stuff.
sometimes i sit back and try to vision the future. most of the time i see a world not a whole lot different than the one we live in now, but sometimes i see a perfect storm of small issues all piling together, to the point where it is too late to correct it, and everything goes to shit. have we reached that point....i don't think so.
well what's my advice on this round of being kicking while we are already down. keep a low profile until this thing ends. stay home as much as possible. follow the cdc's handwashing after touchig stuff and not touching your nose or mouth with your hands, etc. you can get the whole list at the cdc.gov site. avoid crowds. stay far away from sick co-workers. you never know if a buddy or relative you dont know about came back from mexico and has it. that is how this stuff spreads and fast. if your kid's school gets shut down temporarily due to this. use up your vacation time and stay home with them. a small child's life is worth far more than some vacation time. do not put them in daycare. that's the basics.
if this thing turns into a plague or starts to really ramp up....my advice is to watch any plague sci-fi flick. they usually cover all the scenarios possible.:)
anyways, so it's come out of a big smelly shithole called mexico city. no surprise to me, but a bit disturbing seeing how many border crossings we have daily into our country.
well rather than cover whate very media outlet is on this pandemic. i'm going to state what i thought of going back to the asian sars outbreak. this was pusehd in much the same way as this swine flu is now. as we know the sars outbreak was stopped fast. we could debate all day on what stopped it, but my point being is that this one is being taken very seriously in some ways too seriously. what i mean by that is, if this thing dies iff and doesn't do too muhc on a global scale. when we have a bird flu plague or somehting else that could wipe out hundreds of millions of people will we all take it as seriously as we should?
i don't know.
lately i've been kind of a dooms dayer in my ramblings and this time i am not saying to ignore this bug. it appears to be getting worse and mutations occur quickly and that could mean not only young children and old people getting killed, but also young healthy adults. so yeah i am saying take it seriously. not to the point where you exhaust yourself though. meaning the next time another one of these pops up, your memory of having put so much energy and effort for no reason on this swine flu might make you just shrug your shoulders and say so what.
okay back to my dooms dayer. this is certainly not what we need right now in the global economic crisis. the travel industries meaning hotels, airlines, destinations, etc can't take any more cutbacks in volume. ironically it was the travel indistry that turned this into a global pandemic. i got a bad feeling about this bug, this time. of course all i seem to get lately are bad feelings about everything. so keep that in mind as i ramble on further.
this could be a show stopper. if it mutates and becomes much more deadly we could be seeing entire countries being shut down due to panic and govt quaratines type of actions. such as shutting schools, businesses, and curfews, etc. stuff that is already happening in mexico city, btw. scary stuff.
sometimes i sit back and try to vision the future. most of the time i see a world not a whole lot different than the one we live in now, but sometimes i see a perfect storm of small issues all piling together, to the point where it is too late to correct it, and everything goes to shit. have we reached that point....i don't think so.
well what's my advice on this round of being kicking while we are already down. keep a low profile until this thing ends. stay home as much as possible. follow the cdc's handwashing after touchig stuff and not touching your nose or mouth with your hands, etc. you can get the whole list at the cdc.gov site. avoid crowds. stay far away from sick co-workers. you never know if a buddy or relative you dont know about came back from mexico and has it. that is how this stuff spreads and fast. if your kid's school gets shut down temporarily due to this. use up your vacation time and stay home with them. a small child's life is worth far more than some vacation time. do not put them in daycare. that's the basics.
if this thing turns into a plague or starts to really ramp up....my advice is to watch any plague sci-fi flick. they usually cover all the scenarios possible.:)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2nd shoot straight gun store shooting....
well my day job is right down the street from this gun store, and in fact is the place i purchased my walther p22 last week. ironically between two shootings at this store. well i have some things to comment on this, and i imagine some people aren't going to like it.
the first killing was a murder suicide by a crazy woman who shot her adult son in the head at the range and then shot herself. her dirtbag husband knew she was a complete loon, but he did nothing to prevent her from going to the gun range. likewise her own son knew she was crazy, but went with her and even let her stand behind him with a loaded weapon while he was shooting. now i hate to blame a dead person, but a lesson to be learned here. never ever let a crazy person stand near or behind you with a loaded weapon.
now i have to ask...if you knew a family member was crazy, would you go to a gun range with them? then would you alow them to fill out a form and lie on it, then turn your back to them while they held a loaded weapon? i tend to think no one is to blame here but the dead son and the dirtbag dad who is now suing the gun store, saying, and get this....they shouldn't have rented a gun to her. she told the husband her and the adult son were going to the shooting range!!!! he blames the shooting range. i say, sorry buddy you and your family have caused enough damage already to this community. now a wrongful death lawsuit?!?! are you crazy as well, like your wife? please go away and take any looney relatives you have with you. i hope this judge and jury toss this farce of a lawsuit out of court and you as well. outrageous, imho.
then add to the fact that the state of florida will not allow the gun store to do background checks on people who want to rent guns, rather only when they buy a gun. ironaically had the state allowed this, both would have been denied gun rentals and access to the range, as both had long mental health issues. so basically they fill out a form, asking if they have been committed to a mental hospital and or are basically crazy and on crazy meds, or a convicted felon etc, but the gun store has no way to officially and legally verify they didn't lie on the form. i got news for this dirtbag dad, it's your fault. you should have payed more attention to what your family was doing. your looney wife would have killed your son with poison or a knife if she couldn't have gotten a gun. stop being stupid and put the blame where it belongs on your looney wife's head. likewise you should be blaming yourself for allowing her to run around and very thankful that she didn't harm the general public.
well i say crazy people will do crazy shit and the law should say no one can be held liable or accountable for anything a know crazy person does. you shouldn't be allowed to be sued because of what a crazy person does. i mean after all they are crazy, they could do anyting at any time!!! f*ck.
well shooting number two happened yesterday and it was a media blitz. 4 news helicopters flying above yesterday. sounded like a scene out of apopcalypse now. in this suicide. some looney kid went in and rented a gun and lied on the forms and then shot himself. the media is calling it a copycat suicide.
now the poor owner of this store is stuck cleaning up another mess, potentially another lawsuit, by this kid's family. i saw the family on the news and let's just hope they don't act like they look. maybe i'm wrong, but i'd bet 50 bucks they will do a wrongful death suit. once again, they knew their kid was crazy...well he was 26, not really a kid anymore. yet they did nothing to stop him from going to the range renting a gun and shooting himself. if you knew your kid had a history mental illness, drug problems, and criminal activity and he lived at home, the last place i'd let him go is to a gun store. likely i'd would have visited every gun store and range and asked them to not let him use their range...based on the fact that he is a certified looney. no one said being a parent wasn't going to be hard. damn this isn't rocket science people.
well the only real victims here are the owner of this gun store and the employees. how f*cked up is it to be so selfish you decide to kill yourself in someone's store where it provides a living for numerous people. not to mention the bad press and blood and brain mess to be cleaned up and the bad nightmares of people killing themselves in your store or place of employment. if you want to kill yourself or someone else and then yourself. first please get help. second if you can't get help or refuse to, at least have the decency to not do it in someone's business.
man o man.
the first killing was a murder suicide by a crazy woman who shot her adult son in the head at the range and then shot herself. her dirtbag husband knew she was a complete loon, but he did nothing to prevent her from going to the gun range. likewise her own son knew she was crazy, but went with her and even let her stand behind him with a loaded weapon while he was shooting. now i hate to blame a dead person, but a lesson to be learned here. never ever let a crazy person stand near or behind you with a loaded weapon.
now i have to ask...if you knew a family member was crazy, would you go to a gun range with them? then would you alow them to fill out a form and lie on it, then turn your back to them while they held a loaded weapon? i tend to think no one is to blame here but the dead son and the dirtbag dad who is now suing the gun store, saying, and get this....they shouldn't have rented a gun to her. she told the husband her and the adult son were going to the shooting range!!!! he blames the shooting range. i say, sorry buddy you and your family have caused enough damage already to this community. now a wrongful death lawsuit?!?! are you crazy as well, like your wife? please go away and take any looney relatives you have with you. i hope this judge and jury toss this farce of a lawsuit out of court and you as well. outrageous, imho.
then add to the fact that the state of florida will not allow the gun store to do background checks on people who want to rent guns, rather only when they buy a gun. ironaically had the state allowed this, both would have been denied gun rentals and access to the range, as both had long mental health issues. so basically they fill out a form, asking if they have been committed to a mental hospital and or are basically crazy and on crazy meds, or a convicted felon etc, but the gun store has no way to officially and legally verify they didn't lie on the form. i got news for this dirtbag dad, it's your fault. you should have payed more attention to what your family was doing. your looney wife would have killed your son with poison or a knife if she couldn't have gotten a gun. stop being stupid and put the blame where it belongs on your looney wife's head. likewise you should be blaming yourself for allowing her to run around and very thankful that she didn't harm the general public.
well i say crazy people will do crazy shit and the law should say no one can be held liable or accountable for anything a know crazy person does. you shouldn't be allowed to be sued because of what a crazy person does. i mean after all they are crazy, they could do anyting at any time!!! f*ck.
well shooting number two happened yesterday and it was a media blitz. 4 news helicopters flying above yesterday. sounded like a scene out of apopcalypse now. in this suicide. some looney kid went in and rented a gun and lied on the forms and then shot himself. the media is calling it a copycat suicide.
now the poor owner of this store is stuck cleaning up another mess, potentially another lawsuit, by this kid's family. i saw the family on the news and let's just hope they don't act like they look. maybe i'm wrong, but i'd bet 50 bucks they will do a wrongful death suit. once again, they knew their kid was crazy...well he was 26, not really a kid anymore. yet they did nothing to stop him from going to the range renting a gun and shooting himself. if you knew your kid had a history mental illness, drug problems, and criminal activity and he lived at home, the last place i'd let him go is to a gun store. likely i'd would have visited every gun store and range and asked them to not let him use their range...based on the fact that he is a certified looney. no one said being a parent wasn't going to be hard. damn this isn't rocket science people.
well the only real victims here are the owner of this gun store and the employees. how f*cked up is it to be so selfish you decide to kill yourself in someone's store where it provides a living for numerous people. not to mention the bad press and blood and brain mess to be cleaned up and the bad nightmares of people killing themselves in your store or place of employment. if you want to kill yourself or someone else and then yourself. first please get help. second if you can't get help or refuse to, at least have the decency to not do it in someone's business.
man o man.
Friday, April 24, 2009
why is there no .22lr ammo?

well i bought a walther p22 gun this week. this picture is a stock picture, but it's the same model my gun is. i like this little weapon and it is little. the picture makes it appear to be much larger.
anyways, so i sat through the florida 3 day waiting period for handguns...which by the way is a joke as it can actually be much more than 3 days. for example i bought it on sunday. well the fdle and atf and whatever other govt organization they have to process the paperwork through isn't open on sunday. so my pick up date turned out to be thursday. so it actually was 4.5 days. counting sunday and if i counted thursday, since i couldn't get to the store to get it until around 7pm that night...it would be easily 5 days. so critics of the 3 day florida rule quit complaining that the law is too easy.
look if someone was crazy, whether 2 weeks, 5 days or the same day it wouldn't matter. time doesn't deter craziness. even though the bulk of this article is on why there is a ammo shortage...i should mention there is a gun shortage as well. i had to go to almost every gun store in a 25 mile radius to find the one i bought...but there were plenty of guns to be had...just not maybe the one you wanted or in the caliber you wanted at every location. so keep your eye out for a possible upcoming gun shortage...if any of the theories below on ammo shortage prove to be true. especially the dhs or govt theory.
anyways, so my plan was to shoot a dozen rounds through it at the store's gun range. to my shock they had no .22lr ammo at all. as i walked around the store they had almost no ammo in any caliber. so i stopped by a couple more ammo stores on the way home, same story. so the next day i called around to every gun and ammo store including walmarts, etc. nothing zip. so then i hit the internet. same story nothing in high velocity anywhere. so being the way that i am, i started to do research. it appears to be across the entire country for the most part. so this leads me to come to four basic theories on what is going on.
theory one. people have gone raging crazy with fear of obama and his anti-2nd amendment thugs stopping private gun ownership, and are stockpiling ammo. as well as typical non-gun people running out and buying weapons and ammo as well. creating more demand than supply can handle. well this theory makes sense until i talked in detail to the walmart store managers and various gun store managers. they all said the same story. they can't get even close to what they were getting pre-obama. they all said demand was up a bit, but supply was way, way down, long before the demand side went crazy. in fact they all said demand was created by this lack of supply. so it leaves the question who is getting all this supply and stockpiling it before the gun stores and wholesalers and even the mighty walmart can get it?
theory 2. the ammo makers are cutting supply on purpose to drive up prices. this is a good theory as well, except i heard from a large wholesale distributor of ammo, that production is being run 24/7 at one ammo manufacturer. so they can't make anymore any faster.
theory 3. the two wars are draining supply. good theory too, on .223 or 5.56 nato rounds and 9mm and other worldwide military type rounds. except last time i looked a machine line didn't switch between center fire ammo and rim fire and i can't imagine the army needs .22lr ammo for wars. so this theory seems the least credible of them all but it's being pushed from the media as the main reason.
theory 4. this one i have seen on the super intense gun forums. the department of homeland security is placing huge purchases of all ammo calibers. being govt they get first priority over regular citizens and private business. now i know this one sounds conspiracy to the extreme, but i hate to admit it, it makes the most sense. as to why they would do this, who knows. i can say nothing the govt does would surprise me anymore.
theory 5....well, i have no more theories at this point to explain what is going on, so i have to stop at 4.
so maybe it's a combination of all of the above...which would be the most likely...but then again who really knows? one thing is for sure. something stinks to high hell.
well to sum up, it appears the liberal anti-2nd amendment winners in this last election got what they didn't want. they are directly responsible for re-arming america, and even to the point where they have pushed non gun people to go out and buy a weapon. it's ironic that they aren't smart enough to realize the more you try to scare people from owning weapons the more it drives them the other way and makes them a gun owner. if they would just stop talking about banning guns and leave it alone and respect the 2nd amendment, interest would dwindle down to the standard small group who engage in collecting and shooting sports and hunting, etc. and that would be that.
well i hope to get more info on where the ammo is going. i will continue to track down info, but i have spent many of my free hours available and this is as good as i got. i don't think with my lack of available reliable reseources i can get anything more than this. in the meantime i suggest everyone pay close attention to the govt as well as the ammo and weapons supply industries. something stinks badly...i can't explain whether it's obama or it's the gun/ammo industry? one of them is doing something that should be addressed and exposed to the voting and buying public, imho.
Friday, April 17, 2009
dutch tv talk show guy laughing at guest's tradegy....
i don't know the background of this video. in fact i just got it in an email from a co-worker at my day job. it might be a joke, it might be real, i have no knowledge of where it came from or of dutch tv in general. i can say this...i laughed my ass off for at least 8 minutes. i only wish we had a tv talk show with a host this good. this guy rules!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
it's been mentioned to me.....
that i post angry thoughts on this blog. well i'd like to comment on that...
it's true, i do post angry thoughts when i post. in fact i could be nicknamed angry jhb...because all i do is rant and rave....but i do it for good reasons...one is for historical reasons so i can go back and read what i was thinking at that moment in time. sometimes it's an eye opener. as time goes by i tend to water down my intensity i posted in my memory...and then when i go back and reread what i typed...i find my memory doesn't always do it justice. it's a bit of a self social experiment. i do tend to hold back quite a bit in posting. many times i type out a really nasty offensive posts and delete it before it becomes permanent. basically it all depends on my mood and how much energy i have when i am typing. i'd be lying if i said typing really nasty stuff didn't feel good, whether i post it or delete it.
it's like keeping sane therapy, sometimes. getting anger off my chest makes me feel better and i find typing it out into the world, whether read by people or not, works.
so yes i am an angry individual...but i'm not so angry about the gop and bankers....i mean i am, but what really angers me on a daily basis is stupidity. now i'm not saying i'm the shaprest knife in the drawer...in fact i'm rather dull....more like an old rusty serated blade that has been used on bone for many years.....but what bothers me is that so many people think they are so smart and yet they do the stupidest things daily.
this internal rage over stupid people makes me wonder what is the line between handling it and not handling it. daily my blood boils over little events. case in point road rage.
i tend to road rage daily now. to the point where i not only scream and curse and yell, but lately i find myself pointing at people who do amazingly stupid things in cars and invite them to pull over and fight over it in person. luckily no one has taken me up on my offers, but i have come to realize in the last few months that if someone did pull over i wouldn't flee, i'd fight. which seems silly as i know these events as infuriating as they are, are not worth fighting over.
i don't know if this change in me is due to the population increasing where i live and instead of more good smart people we are getting more stupid and worthless people everyday or if people have become so selfish and arrogant that i can't ignore it anymore....or if this recession and all the cry babying that is going on is startring to get to me(newsflash whiners, everyone has it hard this time around), or if i am starting to lose my grip on reality. maybe a combination of all four....but one things for sure...while i am not a ticking time bomb and i will not go out and do anything stupid....i feel driven to fight back more and more on a daily basis.
sometimes i just have had enough bullshit.
it's true, i do post angry thoughts when i post. in fact i could be nicknamed angry jhb...because all i do is rant and rave....but i do it for good reasons...one is for historical reasons so i can go back and read what i was thinking at that moment in time. sometimes it's an eye opener. as time goes by i tend to water down my intensity i posted in my memory...and then when i go back and reread what i typed...i find my memory doesn't always do it justice. it's a bit of a self social experiment. i do tend to hold back quite a bit in posting. many times i type out a really nasty offensive posts and delete it before it becomes permanent. basically it all depends on my mood and how much energy i have when i am typing. i'd be lying if i said typing really nasty stuff didn't feel good, whether i post it or delete it.
it's like keeping sane therapy, sometimes. getting anger off my chest makes me feel better and i find typing it out into the world, whether read by people or not, works.
so yes i am an angry individual...but i'm not so angry about the gop and bankers....i mean i am, but what really angers me on a daily basis is stupidity. now i'm not saying i'm the shaprest knife in the drawer...in fact i'm rather dull....more like an old rusty serated blade that has been used on bone for many years.....but what bothers me is that so many people think they are so smart and yet they do the stupidest things daily.
this internal rage over stupid people makes me wonder what is the line between handling it and not handling it. daily my blood boils over little events. case in point road rage.
i tend to road rage daily now. to the point where i not only scream and curse and yell, but lately i find myself pointing at people who do amazingly stupid things in cars and invite them to pull over and fight over it in person. luckily no one has taken me up on my offers, but i have come to realize in the last few months that if someone did pull over i wouldn't flee, i'd fight. which seems silly as i know these events as infuriating as they are, are not worth fighting over.
i don't know if this change in me is due to the population increasing where i live and instead of more good smart people we are getting more stupid and worthless people everyday or if people have become so selfish and arrogant that i can't ignore it anymore....or if this recession and all the cry babying that is going on is startring to get to me(newsflash whiners, everyone has it hard this time around), or if i am starting to lose my grip on reality. maybe a combination of all four....but one things for sure...while i am not a ticking time bomb and i will not go out and do anything stupid....i feel driven to fight back more and more on a daily basis.
sometimes i just have had enough bullshit.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
your fdic bank deposits are safe, right?...wrong!....
not wanting to cause a run on your local bank as this WILL lead to a failure, so don't do it, but the head of the fdic has said they will go bust this year. unless they get higher fees from participating banks and thrifts. this is not good news at all. they do have a 30 billion note of credit with the treasury department they can tap into, but keep in mind since it's creation in 1933, they have never ever had to tap into that line of credit!!!!!!!!!!
what does that mean? well it means your deposits (money) is/are gone and unless the federal govt or treasury department prints up new money and injects captial into the fdic....your crap out of luck.
well you will likely get your check....but the question is when. knowing govt, it could take weeks to months to possibly years if a large bank like citigroup or others went down. meanwhile you'll have no money to pay your bills. your employer, if they bank with a large bank that might fail will have no money to pay your paycheck. worse even still, it's likely your employer's payroll account and other accounts are well voer the temporary $250,000 insurance coverage. so unless they have their money in mulitple banks and accounts....and they don'[t as having a big account means leverage with the bank. in the end you may never get paid for the work you did, and your employer won't be around to supply you with a job unless they can line up new credit to cover payroll and expenses. not an easy task since credit sfreeze is what we are all experiencing.
if this happens prepare for mad max world. the federal govt doesn't have enough cash, can't borrow enough, or print enough to stop this kind of catastrophic problem. cross your fingers that these banks can stay afloat. even if you use a little bank...it doesn't mean you are safe.
these are scary times. for the first time since this started i am truly scared.
here's some basic tips on how to protect yourself. first check out your bank at bankrate.com. they have a bank ratings setup that seems to be fairly accurate. imho, anything less than 3 or 4 stars and watch your bank very carefully. next spread your money around in a few banks. i moved some cash into a seperate bank that wasn't tied to mortgage boom nonsense and other high risk bets. i can't recommend it because it's a private bank. there are other choices though like local credit unions, etc. now i'm not saying to move it all, but rather move some for emergency to cover bills, etc in case your bank does fail and you have to wait for your check. govt never moves very fast so it could take months and you will need cash.
second, stock up some cash at your residence. don't be stupid and put all your money under your mattress. if you have a secure safe at your home putting ina couple grand or even a couple hundred won't be a waste if you need it. basically use common sense here. keep as much cash as you think you will need if things go south faster, and as much as you can afford. also make sure your renter's or h/o insurance policy covers the majprioty of the cash you are planning on keeping in case you do get robbed you won't be out a big chunk of hard to replace money. also don't tell anyone what you are doing. in desperate times even close friends and family might be pushed to rob you. bad luck can make a good man or woman turn bad.
lastly, stock up on ammo, fuel, food, and water. i normally wouldn't say this kind of extreme strategy, but i'm starting to think some of these end of the world people might have something. a little end of the world insurance never hurt. just don't over do it.
other people say to stock up on physical gold. i disagree on this for multiple reasons, but i'll list a few. first gold is way over priced right now. it's in it's own bubble driven by panic, not economic reality. if you buy now you'll never get your money back ever. next, even if you got a good deal on gold...and things do collapse. how are you going to turn it into goods and cash? who here would trade scarce food for gold? gold is a luxury, not a necessity. in this market you don't need luxuries you need food, shelter and clothing. the basics. you can't eat gold. if things don't collapse, but it gets much worse...try turning your gold into cash? no local bank is going to hand over cash for gold. the cash for gold places and pawn shops and dealers that set up shop in hotels for weekend buying sessions pay bottom dollar, so in essence you will lose money and would have been better just holding your cash. these gold dealers know people are desperate for money and will take pennies on the dollar cash payouts on that gold's true value. they are looking to make money themselves and you don't make money by paying top dollar. they are targeting desperate people. the only time to invest in gold is when the market is booming and gold prices are way down. you do not start investing in gold when things are bad and the prices are sky high. so don't do it, imho.
damn this is the worst news so far. if the fdic goes bust....watch out.
what does that mean? well it means your deposits (money) is/are gone and unless the federal govt or treasury department prints up new money and injects captial into the fdic....your crap out of luck.
well you will likely get your check....but the question is when. knowing govt, it could take weeks to months to possibly years if a large bank like citigroup or others went down. meanwhile you'll have no money to pay your bills. your employer, if they bank with a large bank that might fail will have no money to pay your paycheck. worse even still, it's likely your employer's payroll account and other accounts are well voer the temporary $250,000 insurance coverage. so unless they have their money in mulitple banks and accounts....and they don'[t as having a big account means leverage with the bank. in the end you may never get paid for the work you did, and your employer won't be around to supply you with a job unless they can line up new credit to cover payroll and expenses. not an easy task since credit sfreeze is what we are all experiencing.
if this happens prepare for mad max world. the federal govt doesn't have enough cash, can't borrow enough, or print enough to stop this kind of catastrophic problem. cross your fingers that these banks can stay afloat. even if you use a little bank...it doesn't mean you are safe.
these are scary times. for the first time since this started i am truly scared.
here's some basic tips on how to protect yourself. first check out your bank at bankrate.com. they have a bank ratings setup that seems to be fairly accurate. imho, anything less than 3 or 4 stars and watch your bank very carefully. next spread your money around in a few banks. i moved some cash into a seperate bank that wasn't tied to mortgage boom nonsense and other high risk bets. i can't recommend it because it's a private bank. there are other choices though like local credit unions, etc. now i'm not saying to move it all, but rather move some for emergency to cover bills, etc in case your bank does fail and you have to wait for your check. govt never moves very fast so it could take months and you will need cash.
second, stock up some cash at your residence. don't be stupid and put all your money under your mattress. if you have a secure safe at your home putting ina couple grand or even a couple hundred won't be a waste if you need it. basically use common sense here. keep as much cash as you think you will need if things go south faster, and as much as you can afford. also make sure your renter's or h/o insurance policy covers the majprioty of the cash you are planning on keeping in case you do get robbed you won't be out a big chunk of hard to replace money. also don't tell anyone what you are doing. in desperate times even close friends and family might be pushed to rob you. bad luck can make a good man or woman turn bad.
lastly, stock up on ammo, fuel, food, and water. i normally wouldn't say this kind of extreme strategy, but i'm starting to think some of these end of the world people might have something. a little end of the world insurance never hurt. just don't over do it.
other people say to stock up on physical gold. i disagree on this for multiple reasons, but i'll list a few. first gold is way over priced right now. it's in it's own bubble driven by panic, not economic reality. if you buy now you'll never get your money back ever. next, even if you got a good deal on gold...and things do collapse. how are you going to turn it into goods and cash? who here would trade scarce food for gold? gold is a luxury, not a necessity. in this market you don't need luxuries you need food, shelter and clothing. the basics. you can't eat gold. if things don't collapse, but it gets much worse...try turning your gold into cash? no local bank is going to hand over cash for gold. the cash for gold places and pawn shops and dealers that set up shop in hotels for weekend buying sessions pay bottom dollar, so in essence you will lose money and would have been better just holding your cash. these gold dealers know people are desperate for money and will take pennies on the dollar cash payouts on that gold's true value. they are looking to make money themselves and you don't make money by paying top dollar. they are targeting desperate people. the only time to invest in gold is when the market is booming and gold prices are way down. you do not start investing in gold when things are bad and the prices are sky high. so don't do it, imho.
damn this is the worst news so far. if the fdic goes bust....watch out.
is Igor Panarin right? will the us collaspe?....
becasue this guy is a moron russian, my first impulse would be to say he's dead wrong. taking him being a loud mouthed russian out of the mix and the cultural flaw that russian culture breeds into it's citizens....he might not be that far off. the country is splintering into sections...but his version...which i cut and pasted from an atrticle about him below, says it will end up this way......
He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts - the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong. He even suggested that "we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all."
well i don't see that 6 way split at all. if we did collapse and splinter i see it more this way....
the south would split away on it's own like it wanted to before the union raped and pilaged it to death in the civil war. texas would likely split on it's own and stay in close diplomatic step with the south. or with it's mass of mexicans and yankees, it may join states like new mexico, arizona, nevada and other mexican heavily populated states into a mexico jr. i don't know if there is enough real texans left to stop this from happening?
the north east and rust belt states like ohio. would likely partner up with their industrial and union style views. the west coast meaning california, oregon, washington state filled with it's misfits and crazies would ban together. they might ban with nevada, arizona, colorado? leaving montana, wyoming, idaho, the dakotas, nebraska, and the other mid west states to band together.
mid west industrial states like illinois, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, indiana, missouri, and iowa would likely ban together. seeing how they are very similiar in culture and thought.
the rest of the states it's hard to say. a state like oklahoma or arkansas could either join with the south or band with texas? utah might declare itself a mormon country or split up into part with colorado west coast block or part with the mexico jr, and part a true mormon country? lots of variables on these oddball states.
the we get to alaska....without the continetal shipping products to alaska...i see it molding into canada or it's citizens fleeing back to their home states and leaving the natives alone to get grabbed up by russia. this could happen if the federal govt collapsed.
hawaii...well it would be on it's own.
well that's what i see happening if it does happen? this russian scholar might not be off so far, in that we are already broke and we continue to borrow and print more money to add more govt spending. it cannot go on forever. adding a trillion and then cutting a mere 40 billion, is not the answer. hell even a school age child knows that adding trillions and cutting a few billion doesn't add up.
ironically though, Igor Panarin might be slightly off on his prediction by about 5000 miles or so. the russian state is in a dire state. the odds of it collapsing again and splintering off are much greater than the usa. he may find out he was right, but just was looking west instead at his feet as he should have been. time will tell though.
He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts - the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong. He even suggested that "we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all."
well i don't see that 6 way split at all. if we did collapse and splinter i see it more this way....
the south would split away on it's own like it wanted to before the union raped and pilaged it to death in the civil war. texas would likely split on it's own and stay in close diplomatic step with the south. or with it's mass of mexicans and yankees, it may join states like new mexico, arizona, nevada and other mexican heavily populated states into a mexico jr. i don't know if there is enough real texans left to stop this from happening?
the north east and rust belt states like ohio. would likely partner up with their industrial and union style views. the west coast meaning california, oregon, washington state filled with it's misfits and crazies would ban together. they might ban with nevada, arizona, colorado? leaving montana, wyoming, idaho, the dakotas, nebraska, and the other mid west states to band together.
mid west industrial states like illinois, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, indiana, missouri, and iowa would likely ban together. seeing how they are very similiar in culture and thought.
the rest of the states it's hard to say. a state like oklahoma or arkansas could either join with the south or band with texas? utah might declare itself a mormon country or split up into part with colorado west coast block or part with the mexico jr, and part a true mormon country? lots of variables on these oddball states.
the we get to alaska....without the continetal shipping products to alaska...i see it molding into canada or it's citizens fleeing back to their home states and leaving the natives alone to get grabbed up by russia. this could happen if the federal govt collapsed.
hawaii...well it would be on it's own.
well that's what i see happening if it does happen? this russian scholar might not be off so far, in that we are already broke and we continue to borrow and print more money to add more govt spending. it cannot go on forever. adding a trillion and then cutting a mere 40 billion, is not the answer. hell even a school age child knows that adding trillions and cutting a few billion doesn't add up.
ironically though, Igor Panarin might be slightly off on his prediction by about 5000 miles or so. the russian state is in a dire state. the odds of it collapsing again and splintering off are much greater than the usa. he may find out he was right, but just was looking west instead at his feet as he should have been. time will tell though.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
joaquin phoneix and the rapping thing.....
i wanted to avoid commenting on this type of topic, but what the hell. the economy sucks and i might as well add my 2 cents into the pile.
while everyone in hollywood, meaning insiders, actor morons, and the lame ass media, etc thinks it's been going on for so long it can't be a joke and it's not funny, and that he must be insane. well i disagree with all you jackass hollywood morons. it's not only hilarious, and funny as hell, but the longer it goes on for, the funnier it is. i might even waste some money on his album just to keep it going longer. second thought, probably not, but i hope it keeps going on...hell i need a good laugh from time to time...thanks joaquin. you made one guy laugh and forget about how fucked things are for a few minutes.
on that note i remember seeing river phoenix's band play when bill clinton in 1992 gave a campaign speech at u of f, my freshman year. i hate to admit that bill's speech was the highlight of that day. r.i.p. river.
while everyone in hollywood, meaning insiders, actor morons, and the lame ass media, etc thinks it's been going on for so long it can't be a joke and it's not funny, and that he must be insane. well i disagree with all you jackass hollywood morons. it's not only hilarious, and funny as hell, but the longer it goes on for, the funnier it is. i might even waste some money on his album just to keep it going longer. second thought, probably not, but i hope it keeps going on...hell i need a good laugh from time to time...thanks joaquin. you made one guy laugh and forget about how fucked things are for a few minutes.
on that note i remember seeing river phoenix's band play when bill clinton in 1992 gave a campaign speech at u of f, my freshman year. i hate to admit that bill's speech was the highlight of that day. r.i.p. river.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
are school teacher truly underpaid....let's take a look...
i hear constantly that school teachers are highly underpaid. now the state of florida is considering going to a 4 day work week for teachers...to save money. i think this is a highly stupid idea. here's why.
think back to when you were in grade school. you gto 2months of summer vacation. couple of weeks of winter vacation. a week of spring break. lots of holidays. basically you were in school maybe half a year when you total it all up. it was awesome i admit. then think about after school when you got a job. what happened. no summer break ever again. no winter break ever again. very few holidays. no spring break. only a measly week or 2 week of vacation after so mnay years of employment. it's no wonder kids doing so poorly. we set them up for disappointment from the very get go. in my opinion school should be year round with a week off at summer and a week off at winter and only a few holidays off. make it closer to what the real world is like.
anyways...so i did some calculations of how many hours a teacher works in my county based on the school board calendar that show how mnay days teachers are truly working. it shows they spend 1080 hours a year actually working. now this doesn't account for their 2 week paid vacation. nor their numerous paid personal leave days, nor their numerous paid sick leave days. so let's take out their paid 2 weeks of vacation to make it closer to a true full time working man/woman. so they are working 1000 hours a year...not counting all their extra paid off days.
so a true working person who makes around 40k in salary is putting in 50 hour weeks. minus their two weeks paid vacation a year brings us to 2520 hours a year.
so let's say a teacher only makes 20k a year. so if we compared it to the wroking man/woman's salary yeah they appear underpaid..until we look at hours worked. wehn we calculate their wages per hour...not counting benefits or pensions, etc. they are making pre tax....$20.00 an hour. not too shabby, eh? the working man/woman is making based on the same criteria as the teacher....$15.87 an hour. hummm.....interesting huh? seems the teacher is being paid pretty damn well by the hour.
let's take a tenured teacher who makes around 50k a year...and compare them to a full time private employed worker who makes 70k a year. the teacher would make $50.00 an hour. the 70k paid employee would make $27.77 an hour. wow!!! what the f' are these teachers complaining about. if we took that same teacher and took out of the hours worked their personal leave days and medical days that are paid...they would be close to $60 an hour.
are you seeing a pattern here? seems teachers are being paid pretty damn well, and should stop complaining about pay and spend more time teaching. this is not much different than any unionized job. this is what unions do make things plain stupid and then try to twist the facts. this also applise to pretty much all govt employees. they make a good salry and then add the paid vacations, sick days and personal leave days, pensions, and the best medical coverage you can't buy, and it's no wonder we have to keep borrowing money from china to keep things running.
so to cut out all the teacher union nonsense used as a counter arguement...first they get a lunch break...so i took that out of their hours. then they say they are grading papers at home, etc. except they get a paid planning period at school to do this. some choose to chit chat with their buddies rather than grade papers or plan or do any work. then let's discuss their actual teaching work. some do actual teaching and do a great job. no complaints from me. others and this would cover a large protion have kids read their books while they sit and read themselves or do other non teaching stuff. so let's not pretend these teachers are being over worked or underpaid. we are paying the heavily for what they are doing. if they choose to not work a opart time job to match the hours most full time workers have to work..then they can't really sit back and work half the hours a standard full time worker works and complain about being underpaid or over worked, now can they.
i am sick and tired of govt workers making more money and benefits than us private citizens who pay their wages, do. i think we should pay all govt workers minimum wage. one of two things would happen...either we'd only get people who want to make a difference and don't care about money...or minimum wage would go up. either way we wouldn't get any worse service than we do now while paying top dollar for flunkies.
think back to when you were in grade school. you gto 2months of summer vacation. couple of weeks of winter vacation. a week of spring break. lots of holidays. basically you were in school maybe half a year when you total it all up. it was awesome i admit. then think about after school when you got a job. what happened. no summer break ever again. no winter break ever again. very few holidays. no spring break. only a measly week or 2 week of vacation after so mnay years of employment. it's no wonder kids doing so poorly. we set them up for disappointment from the very get go. in my opinion school should be year round with a week off at summer and a week off at winter and only a few holidays off. make it closer to what the real world is like.
anyways...so i did some calculations of how many hours a teacher works in my county based on the school board calendar that show how mnay days teachers are truly working. it shows they spend 1080 hours a year actually working. now this doesn't account for their 2 week paid vacation. nor their numerous paid personal leave days, nor their numerous paid sick leave days. so let's take out their paid 2 weeks of vacation to make it closer to a true full time working man/woman. so they are working 1000 hours a year...not counting all their extra paid off days.
so a true working person who makes around 40k in salary is putting in 50 hour weeks. minus their two weeks paid vacation a year brings us to 2520 hours a year.
so let's say a teacher only makes 20k a year. so if we compared it to the wroking man/woman's salary yeah they appear underpaid..until we look at hours worked. wehn we calculate their wages per hour...not counting benefits or pensions, etc. they are making pre tax....$20.00 an hour. not too shabby, eh? the working man/woman is making based on the same criteria as the teacher....$15.87 an hour. hummm.....interesting huh? seems the teacher is being paid pretty damn well by the hour.
let's take a tenured teacher who makes around 50k a year...and compare them to a full time private employed worker who makes 70k a year. the teacher would make $50.00 an hour. the 70k paid employee would make $27.77 an hour. wow!!! what the f' are these teachers complaining about. if we took that same teacher and took out of the hours worked their personal leave days and medical days that are paid...they would be close to $60 an hour.
are you seeing a pattern here? seems teachers are being paid pretty damn well, and should stop complaining about pay and spend more time teaching. this is not much different than any unionized job. this is what unions do make things plain stupid and then try to twist the facts. this also applise to pretty much all govt employees. they make a good salry and then add the paid vacations, sick days and personal leave days, pensions, and the best medical coverage you can't buy, and it's no wonder we have to keep borrowing money from china to keep things running.
so to cut out all the teacher union nonsense used as a counter arguement...first they get a lunch break...so i took that out of their hours. then they say they are grading papers at home, etc. except they get a paid planning period at school to do this. some choose to chit chat with their buddies rather than grade papers or plan or do any work. then let's discuss their actual teaching work. some do actual teaching and do a great job. no complaints from me. others and this would cover a large protion have kids read their books while they sit and read themselves or do other non teaching stuff. so let's not pretend these teachers are being over worked or underpaid. we are paying the heavily for what they are doing. if they choose to not work a opart time job to match the hours most full time workers have to work..then they can't really sit back and work half the hours a standard full time worker works and complain about being underpaid or over worked, now can they.
i am sick and tired of govt workers making more money and benefits than us private citizens who pay their wages, do. i think we should pay all govt workers minimum wage. one of two things would happen...either we'd only get people who want to make a difference and don't care about money...or minimum wage would go up. either way we wouldn't get any worse service than we do now while paying top dollar for flunkies.
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