Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ammo shortages continue, ccw permits going crazy, sotomayor, stimulus o man...

well the ammo shortages still seem to be on going. .22lr finally is getting easier to find....but still hard to get what brand and type you want. .380 acp is in very short supply. hard as hell to find...the new .380 range of ccws is out and this could account for those shortages. i talked to a ffl holder who is buddies with an ammo distributor and he says 9mmx19 luger is in such demand that they won't shut down that production to make the .380acp or 9mm wurz (short). so this could continue for sometime.

btw, ammo stockpiling isn't being done by crazies....everyone fears obama and his gang of deadbeats thugs. the gun stores are packed everyday around here and it's all walks of life....the gun nuts don't even show up anymore because there is too many people paying top dollar for anything that goes bang. obama has won one award this year...gun and ammo salesman of the year!!!!

i applied for my ccw permit. that was a cluster f!!! class was packed to the gills with people wanting to carry a firearm concealed legally and protect themselves. it appears it's not just me that fears obama and his thugs are working hard to taking our 2nd amendment away. most were single older (40's and 50's) women who have never owned or fired a gun in their lives. talking to the instructors they tell me the bulk of the classes are that group. very few young men and women (aka brain dead obama supporters). so far the state is so far behind you'll be lucky if you get your permit in 6 months. to renew it, by law in my state, they have to do it in 90days...but that isn't happening. recently due to the state budget cuts...the state democrats tried to steal these funds. the governor stopped it though. see balance of power works better than a fascism.

oh and sotomayor. i love this stupid old hag. according to the nra she has ruled in the past that the police have no obligation to protect any individual, rather only the general public. meaning if the police mess up and don't get to you in time or at all and you end up raped or dead, it's not their problem. likewise she has ruled in favor of people not being allowed to defend themselves legally. in fact she thinks only federally owned lands are covered by the 2nd amendment....not the states. so basically she thinks the police don't have to protect you and you can't protect yourself. pretty smart, isn't she. a true wise latina woman, if i ever saw one, lol. she's not appearing to me as too bright a long term thinker in her decisions, but then again and to be fair i've never heard a lawyer i thought had any common sense.

the real irony is if this is the best we have in america for the supreme court we are doomed. i'll bet though there is more than a few wise old black or white women or men who would be a far better fit for this lifetime appointment....but it appears in america we have to fill race quotas. getting the best most qualified person is second fiddle to filling a seat with a hispanic. nice going obama, nice going. you are really leaving a historical legacy. the first president since carter to fuck up everything he touches.

the stimulus. so far it's saved basically no jobs. there is so much red tape that getting the money is almost impossible. the business i'm in bidding on govt housing in the tampa area.....they speced out top of the line carrier infinity systems (the gold standard of air conditioning and humidity control) for govt housing. yep when i questioned the county about it and how it wasn't going to be cheap....they said it wasn't an issue as it's in the obama stimulus plan. you should see the other top tier stuff they speced out. so your tax dollars are providing better air conditioning and housing than you the tax payer can afford for themselves. this is happening people.

what america needs more than anything right now is a Ron Paul type of guy. remember this come 2012. i sure hope the idiots that voted this nimrod obama into office aren't remembered as the generation who lost our god given rights by electing morons who care more about power than the hardworking, self supporting, american people. the true backbone of this country.

fyi, if your an obama supporter i don't care what you think so don't bother commenting. i could give a rat's ass to your warped and brain dead beliefs. btw, fuck you, too.

1 comment:

Robert McDonald said...

I've been lucky enough to be able to keep a steady supply of ammo. It's harder to find that its ever been, but I can get it whenever I need/want it. Of course, I mainly shoot .45 Auto.

Alabama is pretty easy when it comes to CCW. No class, or anything like that. I don't think a little training is a bad thing, mind you, but I know more about guns, shooting, and self-defense law than most. Of course, I do my research. It's nice only having to pay $7 for my ccw license though, and knowing I can get it renewed on the spot.

Politics, in general, just piss me off right now.