Monday, November 16, 2009

review of america freedom to facism....

i recently got a link from a buddy about this film. i was very skeptical at first, and figured i;'d watch about 5 minutes of it's 151 minutes and then move on to better things. i'd be lying if i didn't admit i watched the whole thing and i can say it's a decently done film, except for one thing. more on that later.

i even send a link to rampage45XXXX.

this film left an impact on me, i was part rage, part shock, and a whole lot of other emotions mixed in. i made me feel betrayed and lied to, and i can say i was not a happy camper. i spent the weekend thinking about it while i went about my chores and life, etc. there were a few things that bugged me so i did what anyone would do:)...a little research on the topics of the film via the internet.

as usual turns out there is more than a few topics that are very controversial and after weighing both sides of the story.... it appears the film has went a bit off left field in their interpretation of the facts.

there is some complicated subjects that they turned into yes and no type of stuff, when it's not really that simple. i can't say the film didn't provide some attention that certainly is needed on certain areas of our complex system. as for their theories on it, it appears the facts are against them...but it's another lesson for me to remember always be skeptical no matter how good it sounds. reminds me of the story my old man told me about jury duty he was on. he said the first lawyer would speak and by the time he was done every juror was sure he was right and was on his side. then the opposing lawyer would speak and by the time he was done everyone was on his side. point being is words are vicious weapons. we all have to be very careful and make sure we always find out both sides of every story before we make up our minds.

none the less. it's an interesting take on the way things are, and worth a watch if you enjoy conspiracy stuff. just remember to look up the other side of the story so you get the full story and not each sides edited version. here is a link to both sides.....

link to this movie above....

a nice counter point site that expels all rumors about tax laws, etc...


Robert McDonald said...

I did not get a chanc e to check this out yet, but I still plan too. I've learned to take everything I read or see with a grain of salt. Even when I like what is being said I know to dig a little deeper.

Kristin said...

@Robert. I'll say. You slammed me for not digging deeper a few weeks ago. lol I've got ghost pains on the backs of my hands still.