Friday, December 12, 2008

these idiot rioters......

what can you say about these idiots rioting over in greece and europe? not much except they are stupid and are acting like spoiled brats.

first off the same stores and banks they are burning and pilaging from are the source of heavy european taxing that supports their socialist leaning, free money society. where they get paid to sit at home and not work. they complain that there aren't high paying jobs available?!? huh...f'ing morons where in the world are their high paying jobs just handed to you. damn talk about stupid.

this is another example of how the world has tuned into a bunch of whiny violent crybabies. if they don't get a new toy handed to them weekly they cry and throw a temper tantrum...except these aren't little kids these are very spoiled and stupid adults.

ironically they are all against the globalization of business and all it stands for as well as technology which comes from these businesses, but they have no problem using it to organize. using the cellphones and the internet. surprise, surprise they are all super naive and moronic hypocrites. well i've had it with stupid people.

as soon as i'm able, i'm going to buy a large chunk of swampland and i'm moving away from the cities and the all the stupidity and laziness they breed, and getting off the grid for good. in the meantime i'm going to stockpile ammo, food , and water. if the world does collapse because or rioters and other stupid people...i'm not going to let them drag me down with them.

let this be a warning to you spoiled brats. if you show up in my neck of the woods and plan on causing are going to be real sorry. i have a few shotguns with 00 buckshot ready for you. never forget florida is a right to stand your ground state. if you come at me, my family, business or property. with a torch or'll be in the morgue and i'll walk away free and clear of lawsuits filed by your idiots parents who did a crappy job raising you and jail free, because this great state defends citizen's rights to defend their property and themselves from violent morons like yourself.

i'll be damned if i worked this hard my whole life to let some brat take it from me either by stealing or destroying it. these brats have no repect for private property or anyone else. the world isn't fair and it never was, but you have to respect people and their property. if you can't understand that, than expect to get ewhat is coming to you. it won't be long before those who work hard to make a good living will come back at you full force and there won't be any police or other govt soldiers you despise to protect you.

there is an old careful what you wish may just get it. think long and hard if you really want anachry. you might be real sorry when you get it and all these rednecks and country folk you laugh at who own all the weapons and ammo and farmland...decide you aren't worth keeping around.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Woah, huh? I haven't heard anything about this. Maybe I should go look it up . . .