Thursday, October 30, 2008

absentee ballots....not such a great idea...

the absentee ballot issues is already popping up in floriduh again. so far it's south florida as usual when these issues rear their ugly head.

i'm against absentee ballots. for many reasons. the biggest reason is they allow voter fraud to occur easily. they pretty much are the easiest way to commit voter fraud. here's how. first anyone can get online and sign up for an absentee ballot. i would tell you how, but i do not want to help or encourage anyone to trying to commit voter fraud. trust me with absentee ballots it easy and almost impossible for the supervisor of elections to track back who did it unless the person doing it is stupid. also it invalidates legal ballots as well such as what is going on in south florida right now this election. people make mistakes and/or don't follow the directions. they forget to sign the envelope, or vote for more than one candidate things that if in person they did the poll workers would be able to flag immediately and send them back to get a new ballot and do it properly.

i have thought long and hard about this. military. i don't see why the military as much as the states fund them can't do early voting or election day voting on the bases or camps. for those who live and work overseas...let them vote at the u.s. consulate office. the reason i like in person voting is for many reasons but the biggest is it helps stop voter fraud. it's much harder to make a fake id and vote in person as someone else than it is to forge a piece of paper and mail it in form an anonymous mailbox. plus it helps catch those who commit voter fraud by having them there in person to arrest and send straight to prison. it also stops dead people from voting. it's a win/win.

for those who think overseas americans and military would be too complicated...well i disagree. make it federal elections only. after all if you don't actually live in the state and work why should your input count. some people live overseas there entire lives, and are registered at a parents home. i hardly think a full time absent citizen should have input on local issues..when they aren't even there. at the minimum....let them vote state as well. setup a way to fill out a form at the base or consulate to get the proper ballot send from their poll area ahead of time. even better do it electronically. they can check ids at the door and then let them enter their info so they can vote for their district and cover everything a full time living in america american does.

if people care so much about voting, they will take time off to make sure they are home and in line for either in person early voting or election day voting. businesses wouldn't be sending people across the country on election day. people would learn to not take vacations election day. it would work and help stop allot of fraud. fraud needs to be stopped, and those who commit it need to be punished and stripped of their own rights to vote in local, state or federal election. besides long jail time and fines. let's up the stakes and put a stop to the corrupting of our democratic voting process.

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