Thursday, October 30, 2008

oh the election....change is coming..or is it??

well, it's getting to be wrap up time for this long and extremely nasty election. btw, both sides ahve been very nasty and both parties...let' s not be party loyalists nimrods and pretend one was better than the other when it came to name calling and lying. okay?

okay so both sides promised change...but can they actually deliver it?

well call me a skeptic, but i don't believe it. this post is not a one will one won't typical routine. if you into that than i suggest hitting all the major media political outlets and blogs for bullshit explanations of how who will do what for you.

no i know ultimately the constitution is set in stone and while candidates can pick supreme court judge to interpret it, so far they have been unable to rewrite it completely. sure they can set laws in motion, but most affect business and the top upper crust. few affect the little people. meaning you and i.

the only real change would come from the effect of "pma." something the band bad brains talked allot about in their early days and when they were playing and influencing the american hardcore scene in the early days. pma is the positive mental attitude. allot of change in america is because of this and less is because of who is in charge. thing this phenomena isn't real. well let's do some observations of what is going on. who here can say that bush actually made them lose their job? made their 401k go down? made them lose their home? as much as i dislike the guy let's not give him more credit than he deserves. truth is the president doesn't write laws and can't create bills. he can influence them and sign them into law or veto them, but that is it. it all depends on congress. congress contrary to the perception hasn't been controlled by any one party (meaning filibuster proof) for a long time. the last 8 years have not been one party controlled. this is a exaggeration at best, a flat out lie at worst. without majority bills don't get passed on to be signed into law. if a party opposes it they can filibuster it, and they sometimes do. so to say one party is the cause of all this mess is once again an exaggeration at best, a flat out lie at worst.

let's go back to the president. today a president is more of a figurehead than anything. he/she tends to get the credit when things go well and also gets the full brunt of the blame when things go wrong. the truth is...this is oversimplifying at it's finest. the truth also is this is party tactics to brainwash voters into thinking one man or woman can fix or ruin everything. it makes it easier to pick a figurehead to blame or acclaim when things go wrong or right. which ultimately leads to votes for said party. lately the newest tactics is to blame or acclaim former president for current messes or good times. well there is some truth to giving credit whether good or bad to past administrations and/or congresses...but truth be told it's very hard to definitely pin a win or loss on a particular year. to simplify it and be accurate...let's take the sub prime mess and analyze it. it is true that congress under the clinton administration did allow fannie and freddie to buy up bad sub prime mortgages to open up housing to the lower and lowest tier of citizens. it wasn't done to create this was done as an idea. it worked a little bit...but things like this take decades to show the results. as the govt backed fannie and freddie started to see money making potential from these...they loosened their own rules up a bit and let the money keep rolling in. as time went on private banks saw they had to compete with these govt backed allot of them stepped into it. as the economy driven by consumer perception kept growing insanely, all involved kept running with it. when cracks started to show...barney frank refused to do anything about it. as it started to collapse everyone started pointing the one wanted to step up and admit guilt. very typical in govt.

anyways, my point is...the administration and congress who started the beginning can exempt themselves from full blame as hindsight is 20/20. it was a failed idea...that worked for a little while. they should admit though that they started it and just explain to the american people why and how they didn't see it coming. who couldn't understand that? anyways bush and the current congress can't completely exempt themselves from being involved either since they were at the helm and had plenty of opportunities to put a stop to it, and they did not. for various reasons. some legit, some not so legit. so ultimately to hear one party or another deny being involved i have a big problem with this. both parties held many offices and seats from the start to the finish and it's insulting and just wrong to the american people to lie about it.

so when the new president gets elected will things get better instantly. the short answer is "no." depending on who gets in and the attitude of congress we may see initial bills pass that can help long term, but short term it takes the pma. positive mental attitude. this is up to us. if we see brighter days than yes some change will occur quicker than legislation can do. if we see doom and gloom, well you know what will happen then.

so if you really want change...have make sure you have the right attitude and help others to as well. i already early voted...but i also have thought long and hard about this and i decided like i do under whoever wins...i am going to support the winner whether it's my pick or not. no more party loyalist pouting and acting like a baby. when i look back on the 2000 and 2004 is shameful the nastiness of the voters who didn't' like what happened. not to say they can't be angry..but they need to move on and accept the results and ultimately. you can always criticize presidents it's part of being an american. at the end of the day though you need to support the man/woman running our country, regardless. this is what america is about. if we want real change...then we will change after the election is over and support whoever wins...if we want to continue the politics of divisiveness as one of the current candidates says...then we are doomed to continue down the path we have been on......

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