Wednesday, October 29, 2008

buying voters.....

well this has been going on for years in politics..likely from the start in different forms, but all coming back to "buying voters."

one form i see in this election is promising voters big tax breaks. here's the rub...most people get money back. how can you give a big income tax break to those who don't earn enough to actually pay any real income taxes? well it's likely all campaign promises...but if they did figure out a way to give people money back who aren't paying can apply that to at least 50% of america......and your going to send them checks...well that to me falls under buying voters.

another form is sending vans to round up homeless people and taking them to vote while providing coffee and doughnuts, sometimes even cash.....well this is buying voters. yeah allot of these homeless people voices should be heard...but voting is not hard and costs nothing. it's is not unconstitutional to not allow free rides, coffee, doughnuts or cash to get voters to the polling station. think about it. if someone hands you money whether its in food or cash...and tells you to vote for "so and so" what is that person going to do? make their own decision...i think not. they don't watch tv, listen to the radio, or read newspapers. they don't follow politics. if they did they would be voting and not needing rides and free stuff. sorry but i consider engaging in this type of "voter rallying" as unconstitutional. this is nothing new by the way it's a common element in modern campaigns.

well i'm going to share another country and tell me you don't see similarities going on. lets' take a wonderful free country like venezuela. chavez has taken over the media. taken over the oil. taken over personal property. taken over other private businesses. controlling the schools...well this isn't unique is it? why you ask? well let's see. if you control the media than you control the information the voters hear and see. if you control the oil, the huge money that comes from it allows you to subsidize fuel to around $0.12 a gallon, and create "social programs" that benefit the majority in that country of the voters. the poor uneducated people. if you take over private housing and distribute it to the majority of voters...once again you win over large voting blocks. if you control businesses you can set the selling rates and make the people (voters) happy when you need to. if you control the education system, you can make sure people do not learn how to think for themselves. all designed to influence and control the people (voters), and get them to do what you want.

well talk to any of the people who fled to this country from venezuela and see how great things were there, if you're a skeptic. i work with one who's apartment was stolen by the govt. and his families land was taken.. he has a different view than danny glover, sean penn, and the other hollywood nimrods who think chavez is a great guy and is for the people.

so you are wondering what the similarities with america are. well what goes on here isn't so in your face...but the parties do promises "money" in the forms of "tax breaks" and " stimulus packages." our govt controls the public school and university systems. they do take private land away from owners in the guise of benefiting the community as a whole with some highway or park or whatever. now they are pumping made up money into the financial and banking systems and getting some some cases deciding control. let's take freddie and fannie. if you were a stock holder guess what when the govt came in your stock was wiped out. you lost everything. nothing comes your way from the govt to compensate you. sounding like venezuela a bit isn't it...just done more stealthy. the media is a problem for govt as the pesky thing they'd like to get rid of called the constitution. don't think for a minute that powerful political muscle hasn't been flexed at one time or another to stop media stories. it happens.

well i wont; go as far as saying we like venezuela. if we were than those poor citizens who fled would not have come here. what i am saying is little by little we seem to be headed in that direction...but rather than a dictator who have lots of them called senators who live in office for life. i am also saying chavez buys votes. it is happening here as well. votes are being bought everyday from uneducated and uninformed eligible voters.

call me an idealist, but i have a problem with this. all voter buying in any form should be not only against the law, but regardless of who in a campaign does it the candidate should face the same punishment as the "workers" who always seem to end up the fall guys/gals. the punishment should be being permanently banned from all electable or appointed positions, federal, state, or local. as well as political party positions. if the two parties cared so much about fair'd see them agree to something like this. the truth is all they really care about is control and power....and all the money that comes along with it.

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