Friday, December 12, 2008

give the money to the people, not wallstreet.....

this is the battle cry of the uneducated in america. it's become fairly obvious to me that our education system has failed. we have tunred out people who do not know how to use a calculator. okay i'm going to help you people....

first we'll use the 150 billion stimulus package we all got a piece of awhile back as the mold to make our equation make sense and be accurate.

so all singles got $600.00 and married couples got $1200.00 so basically 600 bucks a head. we have a population of around 300,000,000 people right now. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 300 million what do we get? we get $500 bucks. that's pretty close to what we got per person for the stimulus package. so we can alter the amount of people to come to a more accurate number than the 300 million we used as a referrence point. if we take 150 billion and divide it by 250 million people we come to $600.00 per person. bingo the magic number the govt used to give the stimulus package!

okay so there is 350 billion dollars left of the 700 billion "bailout money". so if we take 350 billion divided by 250 million people..what do we get? go ahead use your calculator, i'll wait............................................................................................................................okay it comes to $1400 per person.

okay so 1400 bucks is a good chunk of cash right? so let's work through this new found dumbass economic belief of "the trickle up theory" as it's been dubed. american families on avg. owe over 9 to 10 grand in credit card debt alone. we know from common sense that most owe much more on their mortgage and car loans and other loans like home equity...but let's just stick to credit card debt to keep the example simple.

okay so we send out a check of 1400 bucks to singles and 2800 to married couples. who as a family all owe around 10,000 dollars to credit cards. so where does this money end up going...yep to pay down credit cards and catch up on the mortgage and car loans and other debts, etc. so basically it's handing the money to the banks. wait a minute...isn't this what the "wall street bailout" is doing? handing the money to the banks to help shore up/stabilize their toxic debt load? yep, that's right. so these trickle up dumbass theorists would rather make our govt spend millions to print out and mail checks so they in turn, can turn around and spend gas to deposit it and then turn back around and send it to the banks. that makes a hell of allot of sense...doesn't it?!? once the 1400 bucks is gone the people, even if they used it to pay down credit card debt alone, would still owe $7,600 bucks. so it didn't exactly do anything for the person did it? when you owe tens of thousands of dollars a mere 1400 bucks is like a crumb. it won't stop you from starving to death.

okay so have we finally put this stupid moronic idea to rest? please tell me everyone gets it now. giving this money to the people doesn't do any good. it won't save the economy or your job. even if you spent it on a big flat screen plasma or lcd tv at the walmart it still won't fix anything..because the debt load being carried by america as a whole has to be paid back and this is what we are seeing. people not investing their money into businesses or stocks or anywhere because they know america already owes too much money and can't ever pay it back.

so please people think through your ideas before you start rambling them all over the internet. this idea shows sheer stupidity as well as a shocking lack of overall underastanding of the economy and shows you are either too cheap or stupid to buy and use a calculator. it's embarrasing.

ps...this entry wasn't written towards my two readers/friends. i know they are quite smart and can use a calculator. it was written for you imbeciles that post non stop on aol and other comment allowing news story sites...and constantly spit out your stupid ideas to fix the world. one of the biggest mistake a person can make in life is to think they are smarter than they really are. likewise to think they are smarter than everyone else.

there si only one way to fix the economy...and no one is going to like it. it involves going back to proper lending strategies. saving not overpsending and borrowing, and working hard for realisitic wages. the days of making 50k while twiddling one's thumbs most of the day are over union boys. you cannot make low level unskilled jobs pay middle class wages. it doesn't work and we are seeing it come apart right now in the auto world. if you want to make more you have to increase you education and your skill level. there is no easy way out of this. it's gonna be hard on everyone and everyone will have to learn to live with less and while working more. the unions lied to you, you were never middle class pulling a lever and putting a tire on a car. it was a nice run, stop being bitter and be happy you got away with it for so long. now it's time to pay the piper. those who are strong will survive and get educated and skilled in professions that support middle class wages. those that are weak and lazy will fail and end up homeless and collecting welfare. you don't have to like it, but it is the way it is and will be.......

1 comment:

Kristin said...

This is something I've been thinking about for a few weeks now. I'm not sure what the solution is, but I don't quite believe it's giving money to ANYBODY. Giving money puts a nice little bandaid over the cut, but it's not healing anything, and it's not getting rid of the cause of the cut.

Personally, I think better regulation of lending institutions is needed. I don't believe it's overspending of the American people in general, though I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there who do. I think it's more that people use their credit cards when they really need them--to cover unexpected bills and the like--and then they get hit with fee after fee after fee from the place that loaned them the money in the first place.

People who carry eight grand in debt are not that far in debt because they spent that much--they've probably only spent about $2000 of that money, and the debt is getting higher because credit card companies and banks continue to tack on fees and quietly raise interest rates (which compound) to bills their borrowers obviously cannot already pay.

The lending system has failed, and needs to be overhauled and regulated more closely, in my opinion. So I guess I DO feel I have a solution, but like you, I don't see that giving people free money is the answer.