Monday, November 10, 2008

stem cell research? what's the big deal?.........

a big yeah to obama for looking at undoing bush's crazy lock down on stem cell research. look people i don't get the backlash on using stem cells? these are frozen donated few cell structures. they can't become live humans unless you find a donated uterus to grow them in. they are going to stay frozen and unused. they will enver become live, so what is the deal?

okay let's think this through using logic. okay so life begins at conception. when a sperm enters a egg. okay fair enough. it's a life...but it still needs a uterus to gorw in to survive to birth. where are you going to get uteruses from? then once the kids are born...who is going to raise them and feed them and clothe them, etc? we have already in america tens of thousands of unwanted children from ages 2-17, who no one wants. so now we are going to pour another 100,000 or whatever children into the market that no one wants?

let's think of it another way...okay so the foren cells are alive, and we cannot kill life, right? okay so life is composed of a sperm and an egg? so going by the logic, everytime a man or boy masturbates and a girl or woman has her period....they are flushing life down the toilet or shower floor drain, right? i mean shouldn't we hold these components of life to the same standard? after all these frozen ones weren't put together naturally. they are made in a lab. also following your warped logic, then all kids from puberty on should be banging all day every month to not waste life, right? i mean this is what your silly arguement is saying? think it thorugh and you'll see i am right.

understand these foraen cells are not stripped froma woman who wants kids. these are extra from fertitly clinis where the parents could concieve naturally so they had donated eggs and sperm to make these cell clusters and the ones not used and never were going to be used are donated to science to study. then you relgious nutballs get involved and say they are life and cannot be studied, but give no plan on how to bring them to unfreeze and give them life?

so basically they sit in limbo and bills are being paid to keep them in frozen storage...notice no religious nutcases is handing their money over to pay these bills, to keep them in limbo. also notice these nutcases won't say what their plan is on how to handle this? i guess being in limbo is what everyone wishes how they would end up?

man talk about stupid! look here is my opinion. it's really easy to be on a high horse and have high ideals if you aren't sick or in a wheel chair for life. it's funny how when someone who demands no research is done, changes their tune very quickly once they end up paralyzed or their kid does or their wife or father gets parkinsons, etc. i got news for you. if you are not sick, dying, or in a wheel chair...your opinion doesn't count. you have no right to punish those who are ill because you don't like it. last time i looked god didn't come down and say we couldn't try to work on stem cells. if you have proof please show me and no the bible doesn't count. as no where in it's archaic language does it talk about stem cells or frozen cells being life.

look we have two choices. we can either go back to the way god intended us to be...which means no medicine for anyone. no helping couples who can't conceive on their own out with science. bascially, the strong survive the weak die off and only those who have the right genes live to reproduce. or we can do what we have been doing which is we keep those who are wanted by their parents alive. those who are injured. those who's genes allowed them to get sick and weak. and we try to make their lives better. you can't have it both ways. it's one or the other. to try to pick and choice is not only just plain stupid, but it holds us back as a civilization. so be careful what you pick. you may be strong, but your kids and wife or husband may not be and when they get sick and no antibiotics are around to help them...after you've dug enough holes to bury them may find yourself all alone.

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