Monday, November 17, 2008

why the auto bailout won't work.....

well looks congress is going to give the auto makers a bailout. this is another idea in stupidity.

first gm and the like have been broke on paper (accounting) for years. even during the suv craze where they sold not so bright american's unsafe, cheap truck frames, with toppers, leather seats, and lots of airbags and cup holders at a premium...all that cash still didn't work. thworing more money at them now won't do much. it will keep them alive a little longer but at ythe rate of burning up around 2 billion a month. 25 billion won't keep them alive for much longer. it cetrtainly won't let them weather through this recession.

no thereis a greedy reason congress is so gun ho on keeping gm and the other two alive. the ofrst is pretty obvious. their heavy campaign contributors. the uaw and other unions. without jobs the uaw and the like don't get cash. so the pressure is on the queen bee and the mortitican to keep these failed companies alive at any cost. the second not so obvious reason is tax revenue. without the big three and their large workforce...the federal govt would stand to lose around 60 billion a year in taxes. so from a govt standpoint a mere 150 billion would pay for itself in less than three or four years. it's no wonder they are saying anything they can to hit taxpayers emotion hot buttons to throw more of our monye into a failed systems laps.

you are hearing all kinds of bullshit like..."for every autoworker job...they provide 6 more jobs." this is exaggeration at best and lying at worst. it's true the economy is hinged on one another...but the closer truth is for every autoworker job they creat maybe 3 or 4 subcontractor jobs..meaning parts manufacturers...not 6 outside of the industry jobs. no just like when new orleans shut down after katrina and the govt said our economy would topple without it...the truth was it survived just fine without it. you also hear stuff like if gm fails it will shuit down the economy...once again not true. we have plenty of auto manufacturers here in the usa that can fill the gaps. companies like toyota, honda, bmw, hyundai, etc. these companies could easily fill the hole where gm and the like left.

then let's go to good old fashioned common sense, on why throwing more money won't fix anything. the economy is bad, right? so people are not buying cars and trucks. so it would appear obvious that gm , ford, and chrysler should be laying off people and shutting down plants that is creating more supply (cars/trucks) then there is demand(buyers). well since their union contracts won't just let them lay off workers an close plants..this puts them in an uncompetitive position against honda, toyota and the like. by tossing gm more money all we are really doing is providing welfare to autoworkers and white collar workers. i don't know about you, but i have had to cut back hard in my lifestyle and continue to do so. i don't see where i should be providing welfare to an industry that can't pull it's own weight. no one is throwing money at me and my small business...nor at my day job. so my boss can keep running things as is, without changing to meet the market.

no the harsh reality is that gm and ford, etc are goijng to have to change. the uaw is going to have to change. to throw more money at them is not fixing the problem. thr truth is they way these entities ahve been run and the uaw's position had this coming for a long time. it woupd have happened regardless of the bad economy. the govt is trying to do what it thinks is best..but they aren't thinking this through, imho. if we the tax payers are going to have to shove more monye over to help them then they need to give something back and do the right thing. it's time for a full overhaul of the automakers and the uaw. if they refuse then i say f' em! let them fail. a quick failure won't be as painful on us as long drawn out govt supported failure...that last decades. think of it like a bandaid. which is worse? a quick pull off your hairy leg...or a slow painful pulling that lasts a few decades? i've tried both ways, and i know a quick pull is far better than a long, slow painful one.

we have to get govt back on the taxpayers side. i have no sympathy for autoworkers, unions nor gm. they knew this was coming and they all were too greddy and stubborn to change when they ahd the chance. now the shit has hit the fan and they want us the real hard working americans...who take care of ourselves to lower our standard of living even further to help them....sorry i don't think this is right! michigan and the auto industry has been a ball and chain around america's leg for too long. fix your mess on your own and will give a hand. sit in your own shit and whine and i'm going to keep walking.

sometime si get so pissed at the greed in america. form the ceo tothe line worker. we truly ahev become a whiny do nothing nation of complainers. no bailouts for anyone. it's time to act like men and women, not children.


Kristin said...

You know, I've been screaming no bailouts since the get-go, and it's hard for me to take in that the government is willing to help any company that is close to folding. They didn't do it for the Fanny/Freddie situation, so why are they changing their tune for the auto industry now?

I work for a fairly small business (a small business that makes a lot of money, but a small business nonetheless) and I'm worried about my job. Maybe I should petition the government to give the owner of my company some money to ensure that I have job security too.

I read an essay about government charity once, and I really wish I could remember its name so I could post it. Darn it.

jhb said...

actually the govt did bailout fannie and freddie, but it's misleading as they never really weren't govt backed in one form or another. ironically fannie and freddie being govt back actually helped spur on private banks into the subprime debacle. the worst part is that the complete govt takeover wiped out all the stockholder's stock to nothing. which means lots of private investors even little people like us had the govt wipe our net worth out. pretty shitty if you ask me. and people say govt is good at doing stuff? i have them yet to show me an example of that. everything they have ever touched went to shite or got worse, not better.

if you find the article please send me a link via email. i like to read as much as i can. thanks!


Kristin said...

I'll see if I can find it.